News & Views Forum Update

As the forum has built up to nearly 20 members and is generating lively discussion, I took the plunge. I have purchased a hosting package from Invision which includes the latest version of the forum software and a gallery feature. As some of the members (including myself) are interested in photography, we thought this might be a good idea. Only time will tell, of course.

On the plus side, things are now looking good. The new software has a lot more control over the creativity than its predecessor. This has the mixed blessing that it involves a whole new learning curve and I’ve spent the best part of two days getting used to it. I also had to reload images that were missing after the transfer. The skin I had developed for the old board looked horrendous with the new one so I’ve downloaded some from the web, adapted them and given my users the option of four skins to choose from.

I’d like to see it grow a little more yet. New registrations have slowed down in the past week or so, but those who have registered recently are participating. Which does beg the question – one that I’ve never been able to answer – why do people register on a forum and then never contribute?

News & Views Discussion Forum

1 Comment

  1. I would guess on a few answers for this:
    1. They sign up because they think they might have time or interest to participate and find out later that they don’t.
    2. They sign up because someone asked them to even though they don’t really have time or interest.
    3. They sign up to read what everyone else has to say but just aren’t committed to participating on their own.Visit me @

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