Just A Quickie…

For the dumb fucktard trackback spammers…

Can’t you read?

I’ll repeat it for you as intelligence clearly isn’t one of your traits:

The trackbacks on Blog City are moderated. That means that you don’t get your links counted on Google. Jerks.

Ah, that feels better….


  1. You know, it’s funny–I didn’t get a single casino spam until AFTER the trackback moderation process began.

    Also, about a week and a half ago, someone writing Japanese or Chinese posted the same spam on every one of my month’s entries as I sat there, and I deleted each one as spam immediately. He/she took a ten minute break and then returned to try again. I proceeded to delete as fast as they were posting, and I won the battle of wits. They left and never came back!

    But, seriously–what is wrong with their heads?

    ”'{Longrider Replies} Like you, I only started receiving this SPAM since the introduction of BC version 4. There is probably a connection.”’

    ”’What goes on in their heads? Well, money, obviously. But given that this type of SPAM just doesn’t give them the page ranking in Google that they are trying to achieve, I really don’t know…”’

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