Peter – An Update

My sister emailed me earlier this afternoon. My mother has taken her cat, Peter, home today. A week after the road accident that left him with a cracked pelvis and a broken jaw, he is finally off the painkillers and back in his home environment. He will need turning regularly while he rests to avoid muscle wastage, but otherwise he is mending fast.

This is a remarkable recovery and I’m impressed at the healing abilities that animals can demonstrate. If my father had not found him when he did, it is unlikely that Peter would have survived, yet survive he has. This little ginger and white cat lives to fight another day.

I dread to think what the veterinary bill looks like.

Updated to add – £550, which is a lot of money. But… how do you put a value on such a thing as the life of a companion?


  1. Health insurance for pets is an option increasingly being offered to American pet owners. Not a bad idea.

  2. Cats have nine lives,Peter will recover,I believe that.

    ”'{Longrider replies} He has probably used up 8 in one go…”’

  3. Animals have an amazing will to live! I’m glad that they decided to spend the money to save his life. I saw way too many animals get put down when I worked for the animal clinic, simply because the owners didn’t want to foot the bill for surgery.

    ”'{Longrider replies} There was never any doubt that they would do everything possible for his recovery. They would only have opted for euthanasia if the veterinary surgeon had advised them that there was no reasonable chance of recovery.”’

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