The Oxygen of Publicity

Something Kaz mentioned regarding the bombings in London yesterday was the media frenzy that ensued. When I switched on the television, normal programming had been suspended while the BBC News dissected in minute detail the sequence of events, showed over and over again grainy mobile phone video footage of the aftermath and helicopter shots of the city. Much of this was fatuous comment for the sake of it – there was nothing new to be said.

This morning, BBC Breakfast is doing it all again. I realise that this is a big news story. However, there is only so much that can be said – much is mere speculation until the investigation uncovers the perpetrators and their real motives. The problem is that the media is as much a weapon in the terrorists’ armoury as the bomb and the gun. They rely on the news coverage and extra long special programming is a treat indeed – free advertising for their campaign.

This is the oxygen of publicity. I understand that a news blackout is probably not appropriate and is unachievable. A little restraint might be in order, though.


  1. I’m in total agreement. I got tired very quickly yesterday or watching that same bloke talking about how he had to walk past dead people laying on the train tracks, it’s not his fault poor fella just a constant circuit of the same old footage. It reminded me of the death of Princess Diana in the way it has been covered. I also agree that all of this is fuelling the frenzy created by these abhorrent individuals.

  2. The bombed bus picture (shown over and over again) reminded me of all those pictures of outrages in Israel and other places. Just what the terrorists wanted and I think that the bus was hit just for that reason.

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