Er….Beam Me up?

There’s a right to-do going on in Scotland at the moment. Linlithgow council has announced plans to commemorate Montgomery Scott, chief engineer of the USS Enterprise. Yes, she of captain James T Kirk fame. The plaque was supposed to have Scotty’s date of birth as 2222. Anyway, a spat has ensued as Aberdeen, Elgin and Edinburgh try to get in on the act, claiming that he came (will come?) from there. Local Trekkies claim that the date of birth is 2120. So it’s all getting a bit messy – and Linlithgow council is commissioning a report to assess the economic benefits of the idea.

Is it just me or is the idea of commemorating a fictional character who hasn’t been born yet – and never will – a bit, well, preposterous?


  1. Hi, I am a Blogger from Malaysia. Came here by chance bloghopping. The idea of raising a memorial to an imaginary character in a TV show is hilarious. But I guess, it will bring in some tourist money. Lot of Star Trek fanatics around the world.

    If you don’t mind, I want to recommend your blog on BlogDay 2005 (Aug, 31st).

  2. Interesting that the local Trek fans would pick 2120 as Scotty’s birthday. I can remember that in one episode Kirk said he was from 200 years in the future when they time traveled back to 1960s Earth, which would have made the show take place in the 2260s, as Scott was apparently in his 40s during the original run. 2222 makes better sense. You would think that avid fans would know this simple fact about their own show.

  3. People commemorate the resurrection of Jesus don’t they? It doesn’t get more preopsterous than that!

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