
It is a truism that people often do not explore their local area. So, with my sister and nephew staying with us while in France, we took the opportunity to do a little grockling* ourselves and show them about. The Grotte De Labeil is but a few minutes drive from our house so we decided it was worth a visit. This part of the Languedoc is riddled with natural caves bristling with stalagmites and stalactites. The mineral deposits in the rocks contribute to colourful formations. Many of these are open to visitors for a few euros and are worth the trip. We were also plied with cheese and wine after the tour – and, naturally, we were tempted by a nice little Roquefort…

Tomorrow, it’s back to the plumbing…

* Grockling: West Country slang for sightseeing. Not usually a complimentary term.


  1. Wow…… it’s funny, yesterday my blog entry was about taking the time to look around you and take in nature’s fascinating offerings…. these pics are great! you are extremely lucky to have this nearby.

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