Manners Maketh Man

Today I did another temporary driving job. This time it involved delivering frozen “meals on wheels” to the elderly. It was an interesting experience. While the wages were still pitifully low for the work, there was something rewarding about the overall experience. One thing that struck me was that these folk were genuinely pleased to see me; yet I was a complete stranger. They invited me into their homes – to be sure, it was so that I would unpack the provisions and put them in the freezer for them, but there was good natured chatter going on at the same time and a little of me suspected that this was all part of the exercise.

What really struck me was the level of politeness. This is a generation that has not forgotten good manners. True, this does not mean that everyone else is rude as such, just that time taken to be polite is time wasted. These people have the time and the inclination, I guess and it was an uplifting experience. I felt that I didn’t just do a job today; I did something worthwhile and a little light was spread into my life and I hope that I spread a little into the lives whose paths I crossed.

And, of course there was the inevitable exchange:

“Do you know how old I am?”


“I’m ninety four, you know…”

There’s no answer to that…


  1. Longrider, you have spread the light to these who read it, haven’t you?

    I guess there are two reason:
    1)These seniors treat any visitors as a feast in their lonely days.
    2)Humble & proud people, expecially the older gerneration, are in released and peaceful mood, they know pleasing and comfortabling both themselve and others are same enjoyment.maybe that’s the way they know manner better?

  2. I’ve had moments like that. When I worked in a shop selling mobile phones, I’d be the one spending an hour with the little old ladies (or men), going through every detail with them – trying to make sure that they would be ok… whilst the other sales guys would look at me like I was daft. But there is something so refreshing about chatting to people who have been around so much longer than us and know far more about life than we younger generation seem to think we do. I used to enjoy it when you could almost see a light switch on inside them….just to be happy that you are returning their interest in the conversation, or when they’d understand what I was explaining to them. That was a joy…. like giving something back.

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