That Time of the Year

Well, it’s underway. The countdown to….

Christmas. Ack!

As a practising non-Christian, I don’t do Christmas. As someone who is utterly appalled by the blatant cheesy exploitation that is our modern commercial Christmas, I am even more determined not to do Christmas.

The thump on the doormat this morning caused by the Comet “Santa’s Gift Collection” went straight to the place it is best sent – the recycle bin.

It is October, for crying out loud. Okay, nearly the end of October, but this overhyped day with its plastic bonhomie is still nearly two months away. I don’t even want to hear the awful “C” word even mentioned before December kicks in.

Bah! Humbug!


  1. Big business is determined to milk Christmas until there is absolutely nothing of the magic or the fun left and it’s no longer special for children.

    Which is why I agree with you again. Bah humbug to it.

    Yours in dislike of Christmas,

    E. Scrooge

  2. Sainsbury’s, B&Q and all the rest have been full of Christmas crap for two or three weeks now. When I was young Christmas started on Christmas Eve. I’m just waiting for my neighbour to switch on his ‘illuminations’.

  3. After spending a few years working in retail, I now despise christmas. It’s a such a shame, I loved as a child growing up. But it’s just so commercial… plastic crap and false snow 🙁

    Now I am depressed. Ho ho ho

  4. My feelings toward Christmas vary every year. As long as I’m not working in a retail shop, or dating a guy who refuses to celebrate it with me, I’m happy about Christmas!

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