MyDV Update

Today my credit card was credited with £196.83 – some £6 short of the amount originally debited by MyDV for the camcorder that never was. I could, I guess get testy about the odd £6 – but I’m not sure I can be bothered. I know, it lets them get away with it, but as it is money that is lost in the exchange rate, it isn’t money they have actually got. I really want to draw a line under the episode. So that’s what I’m going to do.

Okay, I know, cheap joke….


  1. Nice line! ;^)

    I try not to use my credit cards at all, if I can help it!

    ”’Longrider replies: In the UK, using a credit card for distance buying protects the buyer if things go wrong. If MyDV had defaulted, the credit card company would have to refund my money by law.”’

  2. Hi, glad you got a refund. I’m trying to cancel my order with them at the moment. Bought a camcorder for £491.99 and they charged me £506.10. No matter what I do I can’t get hold of them.

    I’ve emailed Watchdog, GeoTrust (they’ve given the site a cert) and I’m also going to complain to the company that hosts their server. They are actually operating illegally because they aren’t mentioning import duty.

    Search for mydv on Google and you’ll find dozens of people who’ve suffered because of these guys. I’m gonna bring their website down if it’s the last thing I do.


  3. I ordered a camera from them many weeks ago, they removed the money from my visa account of £245.97. I also cannot get to phone or talk to anyone and the mailbox at 0207-993-4698 is full and won’t accept any more messages. Please can someone tell me if this company is a scam or will I eventually get my goods.

  4. I seem to be one of the latest in a long line of unhappy MYDV customers. Glad to hear of your refund, as I’ve just cancelled. As I’ve never been able to get them on the phone, I’ve send mails to them by all available channels advising of this – which number did you get them on in the end? I’m also threatening with all sorts of Trading Standards and Consumer Associations. Maybe little they can do with a USA based company, but I am VERY hacked off and can be willing to pursue things doggedly if I’m in the mood.



    ”’Longrider replies: I got hold of them on the number published on their website. However, that was nearly a month ago and there have been a lot of dissatisfied customers since then.”’

  5. My daughter bought a camera lens from this company 4 weeks ago, but has not received it yet. We got hold of the company on 0207 9934696. They have promised to refund her money plus the money overcharged, which she should receive in 10 days, but am not holding my breathe. We have also contacted Watchdog and I am now going to email The Mirror. As far as I am concerned this is a bogus company who deals in nothing but lies and broken promises.

  6. I thought it was only me who was having problems with this shower.

    When I spoke to my credit card company, their commenst about MyDV were “we are aware of thm”.

    To any potential customer – take my advide, look elsewhere.

  7. Okay,

    I just got my PSP delivered today, a week too late but it arrived, my CC was charged £3more than it was supposed to but I saved over £50 on the PSP so i can’t really complain.

    My Conclusion: though they should mention something about the exchange rate in the policies, overall I would not call them thieves, I would buy again from them actually and would just lower my expectations when it comes to delivery.

    a 7 out of 10


  8. Hi,
    Have recently placed an order for a PSP. they took the money straight away. £6 more than I expected, it’s been 2 weeks and not had any response from e-mails regarding delivery. I thought they were a UK based company. Should I start getting in contact with my credit card company?

    Thanks for any advise

    ”’Longrider replies: Probably a good idea. They can’t do anything for 30 days, though”’

  9. Parts of all of the above comments apply.
    I did say “Time is of the essence” and gave a latest date for delivery – since passed. Contact my VISA Co and they say “we have other complaints, wait 30 days. Tried phone and e-mails, no joy. Have been forced to buy alternative. I SAY – DO NOT USE THIS SITE. I was brought up in business on the basis ” If you are the cheapest in everything you will soon be out of business.

  10. Hi

    I placed my order for a PSP only 4 days ago after being disappointed by a seller on Ebay and now it looks like I have done it again. They have took £3+ because of exchange rate. I don’t know now whether to cut my losses and try to cancel

    ”’Longrider replies: Given the experience of others, I would suggest that is the best option.”’

  11. I have just bought a psp off this site, tried to contact them and smelt a rat, could you let me know how you managed to get your money back?

    ”’Longrider replies: Ned, I’ve detailed what I did on my blog entries here. Generally, get hold of them by whatever means (on-line chat, telephone or email) and cancel the order. It may take a while, though.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  12. I purchased a PSP and a mini ipod over 5 weeks ago. I gave mydv a couple of weeks and phoned to check on delivery. I was informed that it would be with me within seven days and was asked to be patient as demand was high. A few days after their promised date I phoned again to be assured that it would be with me by that weekend – please note that there customer services (when you can get them) are very polite, apologetic and seemingly sencere!!. Again no show, I then demanded a refund, I was sent an email showing the cancellation and assured that my money would be returned to my credit card within 7-10 days. I was also overcharged by £23.00. I was informed that this was a mistake and was due to conversion problems from US dollars……. total rubbish. I have since purchased another PSP, but wait for it the original one arrived – minus the ipod. I now have the hassle of waiting in for a DHL man, which hasn’t yet been arranged by them!!.
    PLEASE AVOID. It is my opinion but I don’t think they are total rip of merchants, more like a US company that has bitten off more than they can handle and have not taken into account delivery times. I will reserve total judjment until I get a full refund………

    Kimberley Timmins

    ”’Longrider replies: You should get your refund – you will probably find that you get short-changed though”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  13. hello i purchased a psp with this shamefull company mydv i wasnt aware of other customers plight untill accidently finding all these sites like this one and mydvripoff i was shocked at the same old rubbish mydv are telling everyone lies and false promises i hopefully will get a refund wich will probebly be minus the 23 quid they fraudulently took from my card but i dont old much hope of this i have cancelled the item by email and by speaking to a mydv rep who rang me after lots of failed attempts by myself to contact them. after contacting geotrust the so called server cert issuer wich should give customers peace of mind in purchasing an item wich displays there logo i find them as corrupt as mydv they are fully aware of there shamefull record and refuse to remove there logo i got a pitifull excuse from them that they couldnt cope with the demand what a shame they cant cope with taking money from customers cards they dont fail in doing that but geotrust couldnt explain to me why they were taking more from customers credit debt cards and them posing to be based in the uk so in my opinion there as much to blame as mydv so ive been taken for a mug and learn from this but my son will be dissapointed that he as been robbed of his main christmas gift and thats what hurts the most mydv robbing children its a disgrace we should all form a group and take these crooks on united we should be .

    ”’Longrider replies: There has been a coordinated effort to bring the antics of MyDV to the attention of the Attorney General in Massachusetts. Currently, he is seeking a court order to shut the site down.”’

    ”’In the meatime, if you are short-changed on your refund, ask your card company to charge back the difference. It worked for me.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  14. A guy at the matrix watch forums is attempting to gather a list of consumers that have had dealings with, so that he can present the list to the Attorney General in the event of any compensation or the like. Visit here and add yourself to the list:

  15. I have been waiting for a digital camera for 1 month and still can’t get throught via phone and e-mails have not been answered,I have spoke to someone who told me that she has put a rush through on my order and then I found out she was a worker in a contact center in India, so I await progress.

  16. You are not alone – 4 weeks I have been waIting for my order and someone called Mat contacted me from NEPCO LP the companies correct mane in Boston Waltham Massachussetts (mydv are a virual shop)- check this out with Geotrust using their link on the mydv web-site.Anyway this guy
    (pr–ck) gaurantees delivery on Sat am 100% as an honorable man – he stated HA!!!- Dhl have informed me that they will not be delivering tommorow so now I need to try and find a PSP – ON XMAS EVE!!! tHANKYOU MYDV FOR NOT ONLY RIPPING US ALL OFF BUT MORE IMPORTNATLY DISSAPPOINTNING MY SON AND IT IS GOING TO BE EXTREMELY DIIFICULT FACING HIM ON XMAS MORNING WITHOUT ONE !!!!

  17. My dad ordered me a PSP on the 9/11/05 and it still hasn’t arrived. We found out about other people being ripped off a couple of weeks ago so we had time to get other things but here, in Ireland, it is next to impossible to get a PSP now so I was forced to look for other things to get. Cheers mydv for making this christmas a mess.

  18. I also bought a PSP with mydv, it arrived over a month after the money had been taken from my account (+£10 extra in currencey exchange) like many i was duped into thinking that it was a UK company. I had tried to cancel the order before it arrived but was too late. When i got the PSP it was unsuitable for use in the UK. The box stated that it was for sale and use in Japan only. I have wasted a lot of time trying to arrange to return it and get a refund. The latest is that mydv have e-mailed me and promised a refund within 10 business days, I won’t hold my breath. I still wait for it to be collected however.
    I feel sorry for all those families out there who were unable to get a PSP in time for xmas because of mydv’s shady dealings, i was lucky and bought a replacement one in early december.
    Hopefully this company will be forced to cease trading in the uk.
    Happy Christmas to one and all

  19. I ordered a digital camera from mydv on 4th December. They took commision charges on the transaction and despite several emails, telephone calls and live chats with “Sandra” & “Tanya”, the latest in the morning of 24th December, guaranteeing delivery that day, I’ve got no photos for Christmas. I will now contact my credit company to try and get a refund. Happy Christmas to Jeremy and the rest of the frausters at mydv!

  20. Well they didnt deliver the PSP on saturday so i called today got through the first time and was talking to Ryan and i cancelled my order. How long will it take to get the refund anyone?
    He said if the PSP arrives do not accept it i’ll have to see maybe if i get the refund first i will accept the PSP and see hoe they like to be ripped off.

    ”’Longrider replies: My refund took two weeks. If the item turns up, refuse delivery. Playing them at their own game is not a good idea – and is illegal.”’

  21. I ordered a PSP for my son on 27th November and was overcharged by 6.50. Nothing arrived and I was unable to contact mydv. I was lucky to get one on Christmas Eve. I have been advised to refuse delivery, if it does ever arrive, and to contact my credit card company. Is this right?

    ”’Longrider replies: As 30 days have passed, your credit card company can chase up a refund for non-delivery for you. If it does turn up, refuse to accept the delivery.”’

  22. Another unhappy customer, i ordered a mini ipod in early december, all attempts to contact MYDV have failed no ipod nothing, this was a christmas present for my daugther that she did not get more tears!i paid using a debit card not sure if i have the same protection as if i had used a credit card but im down £129.00 lets screw the B-ds. ps ive made it up with my daughter she now has a nano purchased from real supplier.

  23. We bought a camcorder from mydv, after being charged more than what was advertised and finding out they were a rip off company, we just wanted our money back.
    After waiting hours to get through to the live chat, I e-mailed them and sent them the same message through the contact page on the website. I basically told them they had seven days to refund our money, or I would begin legal procedings without further notice, and I would report them to every organisation I could think of.
    Our money was returned, even if it was a bit short.
    My advice to all that have been ripped off by this company, threaten them with legal action, it worked for us.

  24. Are we talking about NEPCO here? i bought a psp from them a fwe days ago should i be worried?

    ”’Longrider replies: Yes, we are talking abour NEPCO. I understood that the injunction against them was preventing them from taking further orders. Yes, I’d be worried. In your place, I would try to cancel the order, seek a refund and buy elsewhere.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  25. Cheers, but how would i go about canceling my order ?

    ”’Longrider replies: If you can’t get hold of them on their on-line chat, email seems to be an effective option. Peter over at [ MyDV-Ripoff] has details of alternative phone numbers if you want to phone them.”’

  26. Thanks, if they do not refund my money and i cannot get hold of them, what rights/security do i have with my money?

    ”’Longrider replies: If you paid by credit card, your card provider will refund your money as they have equal liability with the trader. Otherwise, you are vulnerable – unless MyDV come up with the goods. Even so, they may not be UK compatible. You could also take the matter up with the Attorney General in Massachusetts as he has taken them to court already on this matter.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  27. thanks for the help, There online chat but it’s not working, so i have sent them a email telling them to cancel my order and refund the money or i will take legal action, if they do not cancel the order- do you recomend i go straight to my bank? or try and contact PSP universe?
    (sorry if i am being annoying)

    ”’Longrider replies: Your card company can’t do anything for 30 days. They will flag the account as having a query in the meantime, but that is all. So, for the moment, you have to wait and see what happens.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  28. The thing to do is – ask them on online chat to ring you, Uggh so annoyed.

    ”’Longrider replies: You have to ring them.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  29. I got through once to a indian, but he told me there was a problem and he couldent cancel my order. They have taken the correct amount out of money out of my account but i need to cancel this – do you think i should send them a email like this – i ordered it on 30-12-2005.

    ”’Longrider replies: There is no reason whatsoever why they can’t cancel your order. So, yes, I’d use the email Peter used over at MyDV-ripoff.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  30. The email was sent over 2 hours ago now, I hope they give me my money back. If not i will refuse delivery if it comes and after 30 days cantact my credit card company. I cant be bothered with this, and i cant belive they have ripped off so many people, do they acctually have a wearhouse in the UK?

  31. I ordered and paid for a psp with mydv, they took a £175.25 out of my bank when the price they first gave me was a £169.00. Needless to say I didn’t recieve the psp. I took this up with my bank lloydstsb, because i’d paid with my debit card they asked me to fill in a small form and they would recover the money for me. I had the money put back in my bank in a matter of days. They also told me they had, had numerous complaints about mydv.

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