MyDV – Again

Since publishing my tale of woe about MyDV last month, I’ve been inundated with hits as a result of Google searches. You may wish to read the comments I’ve received on the articles here, here and here.

Of course, I was kicking myself for allowing my usual guard to slip. Normally I am rather more cynical and careful. Well, I guess, some good has come out of it as people are not buying from these people as a direct result of my difficulties. Thankyou to all those who contacted me and let me know.

Mrs Longrider is convinced that I should set up a consumer website with somewhere for people to swap stories and warn each other along with articles and links to consumer organisations. I know that there are already sites such as this on the web, so wonder whether there is really a need for another, but I’ll give the matter some thought.

Over at MyDV Ripoff Peter has been threatened with legal action by MyDV’s lawyers…

Well, well, well ain’t that a turnout for the book. Okay, so using words like “scam” is sailing close to the wind; the evidence suggests gross incompetence rather than deliberate intent to defraud. However, the result for consumers is exactly the same – money out and no goods back. I’d also point out at this juncture, that promising something and then failing to deliver according to that promise constitutes breach of contract. I’ll also point out that an invoice with an amount payable is what the customer should see going out of their bank or credit card account. The owner of the server, Dan Sharp seems to be missing this point.

Still, MyDV’s legal team issuing threatening letters obviously infers that the point is getting through to Jeremy Paradies. And, such threats against people who have a legitimate grievance merely highlights the grievance. I leave you, dear readers to draw your own conclusions about Mr Paradies’ behaviour. He could, rather than making threats, just trade legitimately and honestly, instead of lying to his customers. And, yes, if his legal team are reading this, claiming to be “The UK’s Best Source for Digital Video Equipment” is deliberately misleading and therefore constitutes a lie:

lied, ly ing, (lng) lies
v. intr.

1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
2. To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.

Mind you, claiming “fast, free delivery” and failing to deliver within a reasonable timeframe (in my case, nothing after two weeks) is less than truthful, too.

Edited to add: Although I decided not to pursue the missing £6, MyDV’s response to justified criticism has prompted me to reverse that decision. I’m now feeling sufficiently bloody minded to get every single penny back. So I’ve written to my credit card company asking them to charge back the missing sick squid to MyDV.

Edited further to add URL of Rogue Trader Watch


  1. I nearly bought a camera, mail order, from this site.Thanks for the warning!!!

    ”’Longrider repiles: Excellent – that was the reasoning behind publishing my mistake.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  2. My storey with Mydv is long and ongoing. In summary – I ordered a digital camera 3 months ago from Mydv, and am still waiting. The customer service has been dreadful – I’m not sure if they’re deliberately deceitful or just a bunch of f**kwits?!

    ”’Longrider replies: The evidence suggests the latter.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  3. Oh how I wish I put mydv into google before sony PSP – My credit card bill would be £175 less with no sign of one after 2wk. More galling is the fact that the price I was invoiced for has dropped a further £5 quoted on their website.
    At least I know I am not alone in having been duped/deceived/disgruntled

    ”’Longrider replies: I’m hoping that my articles here and over at [ Rogue Trader Watch] will help to prevent people making the same mistake in future.”’

  4. Like Andy I wish I’d checked on google before dealing with mydv. Placed my order over four weeks ago for a PSP. not only was I overcharged by £6 but they took £175 twice. Although I received a refund of £170 within two weeks as they accepted they had made an error. I’m still waiting for the PSP to arrive. I have lost count of the number of phone calls I have made to them were they have told me the goods have been dispatched. (If you ring just after 8am they tend to answer, it must catch them off their guard) I have tried to cancel my order but everytime I mention cancelling to their customer service people they hang up the phone. I’ve also sent countless e-mails asking them to cancel but received no replies. I have spoken to my credit card company who have said they’ve had a number of similar complaints and will investigate the matter. My advice to anyone is to avoid mydv like the plague!!

  5. I ordered 4 x Sony PSP’s on 15 November for 2-3 week delivery – My Visa has been overcharged and am still sitting here waiting at 7.30pm on Xmas Eve waiting for them to arrive – not sure what I am going to say to the kids tomorrow morning!!!!
    I have also contacted mydv on numerous occassions – on Friday 23rd I was talking to ‘Joey’ at their Indian contact centre complaining for 40 minutes – I accepted a £20 compensation payment (on top of the overpayment) on the guarantee that I would receive my order before 10.00am on Xmas Eve – From what I have read looks like I won’t get my £20, my overpayment and I haven’t got my PSP’s.
    I have today mailed Watchdog, The General Attorney in Massachuttes, I have tried calling Jeremy Paradies (the owner of the company – telephone number on his cell phone voice box is full – wanted to ask him what I could say to my kids tomorrow morning!
    If only i’d read all the comments on these sites before I ordered my PSP. Same as others – I did a google search under PSP!!!!!!!
    Also same as other people – AVOID MYDV AT ALL COSTS!!!!!

  6. I have had similiar problems with mydv, my collegue and I both ordered PSP’s on 18.11.05, and numerous emails and phone calls, we were finally told the item had been despatched,and it would be delivered in time for Xmas, but yet again mydv were lying again, I’ve waited for over a month for nothing, and have also been over changed on my credit card, I’ve left it with my credit card company and hopefully we will be able to claim it back….. warning to anyone, DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY, THEY ARE A TOTAL RIP OFF COMPANY

  7. I have also been fighting a losing battle with, i ordered a sony psp the first week in november, a good deal i thought….Oh how wrong was i

    After over 50 calls and ever more attempts to contact there not so ‘live chat’ feature on there website, i decided on some drastic action.

    i phoned on tue 20th dec around 8am (seems to be the best time of day)and threatened court action, i lied and said that my solicitor was on the case and they had one last chance to dispatch my order….

    And what do you know i had a sony psp on my doorstep by friday……



  8. I have also had the exact same problems as those described by others. Back in November I ordered a PSP from mydv for a Christmas present. However on 27 December I am still sat waiting for it to arrive! On calling the operatives I had exactly the same problem – being cut off or ‘put through’ to another department which clearly didn’t exist and then being disconnected!
    My credit card has also been overcharged by the seemingly now obligatory £6!
    I have also emailed Trading Standards and the Attorney General of Massachusetts. I am in the process of contacting my credit card company to see if they are of any assistance. I would reiterate again DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY.

  9. It has really made me aware and to be careful.They had over charged – I did ask them about that – NO RESPONSE!!! The psp finally arrived after several times of telling them it was too late arriving.Asking for refunds. The psp was for Japanese use only!!! instructions in Japanese. Be careful of this Company – intentionally or non intentionally it is enough to put you off buying from the internet.

  10. I was stupid enough to buy a DVD recorder for my husband. Having done a search for the model he wanted it came up with Mydv. I ordered. Item was £132.45 (I think) and when the goods had not arrived in the stated time I went back to the site. This time however I found the ripoff site. I was horrified to say the least. I gave up a well paid job 18months ago to start my own business, and I don’t have any personal money anymore. My only blessing is that I paid with a credit card. The card company told me mydv had taken £135.54 from my account but they say it is not fraud because I allowed them to take the money in the first place. I can however claim my money back through , no supply of goods. This all happened with just a few days to go before Christmas. I have now found a DVD player for my husband (not the model I wanted. I have to say I am not usually careless with who I order goods from, but in this instance was rather in a rush. This is a warning to all, take care when ordering from companies you don’t know. Try and check them out first.

  11. I to ordered from myDV in november 2005 and had all the similar problems, false promises and lies from there staff. Lucky for me my bank were fantastic and re-imbursed my funds. Good luck to all of you in your fight with myDV. With a bit of luck together we can put them out of business.

  12. You have all said it all….. Have complained to Massachusetts and await your valuble site comments. May we all receive a welcome ‘return’ gift in 2006

  13. I also discovered the ‘horror’ websites too late about mydv when i went into google after having trouble getting into their website from my favorites. I had ordered an MP4 player on 3/12/05 thinking i was getting a good deal and was promised numerous times on live web chat that it would only take 10-14 days and will definately arrive for christmas as it was a present for my daughter. Ended up having to buy her an MP3 player instead because i couldn’t afford an MP4 player thanks to mydv. They blatently lied and answered “yes” when i asked if DHL deliver for them. I already knew by then that they no longer associate themselves with mydv! Anyway thankfully my credit card company have told me that i will not have to pay for it as they are fully aware that they are under investigation for fraud.

  14. Mydv what a joke.Ordered a PSP then received the usual order confirmed ,then order in warehouse but was too late for me so i cancelled it.No response from my e-mails.Then i get some response after getting in touch with my crdit card company saying they will refund.Overcharged £13.Then the PSP arrived but was all in japanese plus is a model 1000 not the current UK 1003.Phoned the indian call centre form UK phone number and when i asked for the refund the phone line went dead.

  15. My story actually had a happy ending. On 5 December I ordered a Canon S80 Powershot camera as a Christmas present, thinking I would receive it on time. Two weeks later it hadn’t arrived and I send a mail to enquire – no reply. Then I discovered your website and panicked. I managed to contact MyDV on a chat line and was assured that the order would be rushed. The week before Christmas I again got on to the chat line and told them I wanted the order cancelled and my money refunded immediately, and threatened legal action. It was confirmed that the order hadn’t been dispatched and would be cancelled. I then bought the Canon camera in a shop for €690. Guess what ? On 28 December my order arrived (it had cost considerably less – €444 in total). So I would agree that persistence does pay off.

  16. I wish I had been told of this site in november! I stupidly ordered 2 psp consoles for my kids, but then decided to ring & ask about delivery….4days later I got through, I was so frustrated I cancelled my order there & then. I thought that would be the end of the matter but nearly 2 months later I’m still waiting on my money back! They say i’ve been credited, my credit card company dont want to know.So here I am £350 poorer………any suggestions???

    ”’Longrider replies: Your credit card company is jointly liable. If 30 days have passed since you cancelled the order, then request that your credit card company charges back the money from MyDV.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  17. Hi
    I am also a mydv victim. Ordered a psp on 26th November having been told by someone on the live chat that I would receive in time for xmas.Started to get concerned around December 12th when received credit card statement with overcharge and was unable to get a response from mydv. So I contacted credit card company to start investigation. Received email from mydv on 31st December advising of despatch, tried to email back saying no longer required item, emails returned by mailer deamon! PSP arrived yesterday, told courier I had been advised not to accept, but he said it may get lost in system if I didn’t. Told credit card company to cancel investigation. Tried to contact mydv to ask how to return goods, would not reply to my query. Having, today discovered all these other complaints on etc. I am now unsure what to do as I did not realise until today that it is a Japanese version, can anyone advise me if this machine will work properly in the UK?

    ”’Longrider replies: In all probability games designed for the UK market will not work. You would also have to get a UK power adaptor. The item is not fit for the purpose sold. Email using the form-mail on their site (copy it for your on records) or use the on-line chat to request that they take the goods back and refund your money.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  18. I ordered a psp from mydv on 17.11.05. I then discovered all these complaint sites just before Christmas. I called mydv and was assured it would arrive before christmas, as I was about to go on holiday I decided to wait and see. It didn’t come. When I got home earlier this week I called to cancel the advisor in india assured me it had been shipped and I would have it in 3-5 days I was also offered compensation of £25. Having just read the good news on mydv ripoff that from 16.12.05 mydv would have to comply to a.g.o regs I thought it would be worth waiting a few extra days rather than going through the hassel of cancelling. I was also told that if it was a foreign model any uk products would be compatable, I’m worried now after reading your advise to sam. Can anyone tell me is this true??

    ”’Longrider replies: There will be three problems with a non UK product. You will need a UK power lead – which, I presume, you will have to buy separately. Secondly, UK games will not be guaranteed to work – unless the product has been hacked in some way to allow multi region software to work. Finally, if it is a non UK product, it won’t have a UK warranty.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  19. Further to my earlier comment, I finally managed to contact mydv by telephone earlier today. They offered me compensation of £16.99, I also insisted they refund the £5.12 overcharge on my credit card. They said this will be returned to my account in 7-10 days. They emailed me a web link to download an english manual, but this did not work. So it appears that I am stuck with a machine that may not work, despite their assurances that all I would need would be a three point adaptor. Ideally I would like to return the product but they would not give me the relevant information as to where to send it and my credit card company can not guarantee success in a charge back action, so I could be left with no money and no PSP either. Any suggestions anybody?

    ”’Longrider replies: It is during conversations such as this that I get a cold anger and this helps me to resolve the situation. A foreign product is not suitable for the market in which it was sold. Therefore you are entitled to return it as it was misrepresented. Don’t take “no” for an answer – insist that they arrange to collect it and refund your money in full if that is what you want. It is outrageous that having bought the product in good faith you are now expected to buy a power adaptor and download an English language manual – ”these should be supplied with the product.” Insist, be assertive. If necessary go the the attorney general and complain through him.”’

    ”’In the meantime, contact your credit card company and advise them that the product is not fit for purpose and that you would like a full refund. They are jointly liable with the trader – the goods are not fit for purpose. Again, be assertive”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  20. Hi An update today on my mydv PSP saga, following your advice from yesterday. I have just spoken to Kurt at the mydv call centre and requested to return the item as it is not suitable. He has told me that they will send an email confirming that I have cancelled the order and arrange for DHL to collect it in 7-10 days time. However there is a catch! I will be charged a 15% restocking fee for the item. I told him this was not acceptable as the item sent was not the item ordered as I was under the impression I was ordering from a UK company and therefore expected to receive a UK model. Will probably contact my credit card company today for further advise on how to retrieve the full amount. Watch this space!

    ”’Longrider replies: Excellent news. When I cancelled, they tried to talk me out of it – you just have to be firm with them and not move on what you want.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  21. Interestingly the mydv website is inaccessible today! Just comes up with a heading ‘The shop is now closed’. Looks like I may have got in touch just in time. Fingers crossed.

  22. i too bought psp from mydv, to witch ihadent now i have found your site,i recieved the japanese version with no disk ,no earphones, instruction book in japanese , just the psp. we have since bought memory card at a cost of £30.00,accessories pack at another £30.00.i have since emailed all my friends and family WARNING them NOT to deal with mydv.i am now going to check my bank account.i just wish i had found your site before i orderd from these t*ss**s.

  23. I ordered a sony psp on the 1/12/05,they had taken the correct amount of money within a few days.I tried to contact the company several times with no response, two weeks before xmas i got through to tanya and sandra by live web chat who guarenteed i would recieve this order in time for xmas, by boxing day there was still no product,i was fuming as i’d had to go and purchase another psp from a shop.I finally got throgh to Denzil at the call centre and demanded a full refund with comp otherwise i would take matters further,he assured me that my order was cancelled and a refund would be with me in 7 is now the 8/01/06 -no refund,they apparently tried to deliver the psp on the 6/01/06 but there was no body to recieve it,it is now supposed to be coming on monday,i will not give up on this matter and if the psp is not what is stated i will fight for my refund,and a substantual amount of compensation!

  24. alan ere again(psp), i checked my accont and found i have been over charged by £14.00, i have been informed this is a shiping charge . wich is a load of crap as i thought i was ordering from a uk site. HOPE THIS WILL HELP THOSE WITH JAP PSP i read a letter about films not playing on japanese psp. to witch i got. my mate set every thing on it english .also went into video settings and set every thing to english , also umd video volume to +2.then tryed to play film ,film would,nt play, wot we found is instead of x to play you have to press o to play on japanese model and the film played ok.hope this has helped any others with jap psp.good luck, I WONT BE FOLLOWING IT UP ANY FURTHER AS I HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF ENOUGH AND MY BLOOD PRESSURE CANT TAKE IT, I AM GOING TO CUT MY LOSSES AND RUN. thanks longrider you have taught me a valuable lesson ( check them out before you buy ) CHEARS MATE AL

  25. There is a loooong discussion about MyDV .. in fact they are responsible for at least two more ripoff sites.

    Take a look at this thread (may require registration): []

    Also a court order against Jeremy Paradies: []

    ”’Longrider replies: Yes – so far as I am aware, OzTools,,, and most recently,”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  26. yes i ordered a PSP from OZDV, i recieved it well after xams even though i told them to cancel the order, after being advised it would arrive on the 23rd of december. I was billed on the 5th of December. They’re now dissapeared and I’m not sure what’s even in the box, as it’s now evidence. I should have researched them first, but wasn’t aware of MyDV.

  27. I ordered my PSP in mid November and like all the rest of the contributors, I have been told a pack of lies regarding delivery. I emailed Jason in customer care(what a joke) and he eventually responded telling me that I cannot cancel by email and that I would have to phone. Guess what ?? the phone lines are now dead.
    Wish I had bought an overpriced Mega Pack from Dixons

    ”’Longrider replies: Go over to [ Matrixwatch] and register your complaint on their complainants’ register. You would also do well to register a complaint with the Attorney General”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  28. ordered psp and ipod nano 8/11/05 from mydv invoiced for 339.98 took 367.50 from my credit card after numerous e mails and telephone calls eventually received jap psp on 15.12.05 never received ipod which was a xmas present for my son.
    was not told psp was jap only by chance on christmas eve went to charge it up only to find we needed an adaptor as you can imagine one unhappy son on xmas morning am now trying to get a refund from my credit card company for the balance of almost £200.00.

  29. I ordered a pink mini ipod on November 12th for my daughter for xmas… guess what? I’m still waiting for it! Numerous phone calls, when mail box is not full, emails unanswered and still £140.60 out of pocket and also overcharged by £10.61 Current position = no goods, no refund. Today the shop is now closed!

  30. I ordered a PSP for my daughter early in November From MYDV. I spoke with a charming chap called Kurt who assured me it would arrive in 3 and a half weeks. paid for it with my Visa thankfully.Was overcharged as all above. Stoney silence since. Lies and more lies on the messageboard (Lisa). Thankfully the Trading standards agency gave me the ammunition to get Visa to credit me with a refund. “Once bitten Twice Shy” I hope this is the case. Orded it from Amazon “fingers crossed”

  31. Same story really, ordered a product on January 2nd 2006,found out what they were up to after I got suspicious when they charged my CC before the item would be shipped, so cancelled the order on Monday.They have not yet confirmed the cancellation and their number doesnt work. I am following this up with the Attorney General office, they are not gonna get away with over £800 of my money!


  33. The attorney General in Massachussets, USA is going to court on the 14Th january 2006 to freeze the asset of NEPCO, the parent company of they are receiving many complaints from UK about overcharging and non-delivery. I believe the website for MyDV has now been closed.
    My order for two iPods toatalling £299.00 but taken £305.00 never arrived for Xmas and I have had no refund despite numerous calls. I have logged a complaint with the Attorney general and the UK police. the matter is also with my bank

  34. The attorney General in Massachussets, USA is going to court on the 14Th january 2006 to freeze the asset of NEPCO, the parent company of they are receiving many complaints from UK about overcharging and non-delivery. I believe the website for MyDV has now been closed.
    My order for two iPods toatalling £299.00 but taken £305.00 never arrived for Xmas and I have had no refund despite numerous calls. I have logged a complaint with the Attorney general and the UK police. the matter is also with my bank

  35. I to had dealings with MyDV “”. I eventually received my camera after 5 weeks, and being over charged.Credit card company very good and I received a refund for overpayment, it seems I was a lucky one.

  36. I ordered a ipod nano for a friends christmas present from MyDv, and guess what? I haven’t got it, I just found this websire and after reading it I feel like crying, I can’t afford to just throw £170 away.

  37. I ordered my PSP on 14/11/05 and was overcharged by £16. I e-mailed myDV on several occassions regarding the overpayment and delivery, and never once got a reply!! Unfortunately it wasn’t until 2 weeks ago that I discovered I was not alone. With what has recently happened to myDV in the US,it now looks as though I may now have lost my money as I purchased my PSP with my Debit Card.

  38. An update on my situation a week on – no news from mydv, except rather bizarrely an email on 9th January saying my PSP would be despatched soon! I still have the PSP waiting to return, now looks very unlikely I will get my money back, although I have got my credit card company on the case. Just thankful that at present I still have something to show for my money, even though it is not a lot of use to me, unlike some poor people who have no goods and no refund either. Anyone want to buy a Japanese PSP?!!!

  39. i cancled my order on 24th december 2005 and still waiting for a refund. The mydv site has been closed down. Should i contact my bank to investigate? what should i do?

    ”’Longrider replies: Not only should you contact your bank; you should ask them to claw the money back directly from MyDV’s bank account before it is frozen by the US authorities.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  40. still no goods cancelled a day before site went down and was told i would get an email to comfirm I didn’t and am now unable to contact them. went to the bank today on the of chance they could help but because it was a debit card there’s nothing they can do. Looks like i’ll have to accept the money’s gone.

    ”’Longrider replies: I suggest that you advise your bank that Nepco is no longer trading and could they reclaim your money directly from their bank account. Be quick, once it is frozen by the US authorities, you will be in a queue of creditors.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  41. i ordered an archos videos recorder and two nikon lens back in October approximate value £2500.00
    I have been trying to get these goods delivered ever since. appro 20 telephone calls, with promises of deliveries in November, December and the final promise of a delivery on or around 9th January Still nothing. WHAT CAN BE DONE??

    ”’Longrider replies; Advise your credit card company that they have ceased trading and to reclaim the money directly from their bank account – your card company can do this. Also go to [ Matrixwatch] and register on their victims’ register.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  42. i ordered 2 apple ipods and was promissed before christmas but never arrived.Icancelled it and was promissed a refund but havent received it.please advice me for my next step. thanks

    ”’Longrider replies; There are two things you can do. Firstly, contact your credit card company and advise them that Nepco has ceased trading. While their bank account has not been frozen by the US authorities, your card company can draw a refund directly from MyDV’s bank account and they should be aware of this.”’

    ”’Secondly, go to the [ Matrixwatch] site and register on their victims register as they are bringing a joint action to get refunds for people in your position.”’

    ”'[ Rogue Trader Watch]”’

  43. Same old same old, ordered PSP on 9/12 charged for 2 nothing arrived despite promises and offers of compensation. However, following the advise on this site and others, contacted our credit card company and the money has been refunded. Thanks and good luck to everyone still fighting.

  44. Yip – I’ve joined the rip off list. Ordered a digital camera for 189.99 on Dec 3rd for a Christmas present for my son. repeated phone calls were answered with a range of semi-plausible excuses. “Shipment has been returned ..will be with you in 6 business days” “I shall put you down now for compensation” “I tell you if it doesn’t come in 5 days you can cancel your order and have a full refund” Only discovered your site today – have contacted my credit card company and told them what you have been advising people. Not sure if I’ll have any success. Spoilt Christmas for my son – feel quite studid about being conned in this way. However, thanks for doing this site.

  45. Having been one of the lucky ones to get my money back from my bank, i see now that MyDV have finally been put out of business, I think that the American courts should hand out jail sentences to the owners of this company not only defrauding people but also for wrecking christmas for children in britain whose parents either could not afford or had no time to replace the goods that mydv had promised to deliver.

  46. I posted my complaints regarding MY DV on this site several weeks ago. A partial item was sent after the order was canceleed back in November. I have been advised by barclaycard that I need to send the PSP back in order to get a refund on the whole of the amount of £323.00. I have contacted DHL who advised me that it would cost me £150 to return the item as they are no longer dealing with this company. Therefore I am going to use the post office at a cost to me.
    My question is does any one know the full postal address of this fraudulent company please?


    ”’Longrider replies: The only address I know of is the NEPCO head office:”’

    ”’1432 Main Street Waltham Ma 02451 Usa”’
    ”’Waltham Massachusetts 02451”’

  47. Hi, i’ve had the same problem with my dv.I ordered a psp at the end of november for an xmas present. I was overcharged and nothing turned up even after numerous conversations and promises of a delivery before xmas.
    The first working day after xmas i emailed them asking for a refund, they then got me to phone somebody which i did. I cancelled my order and was told my money would be in my account by the 5th jan 06. Guess what??…..i’m still waiting.
    What do i do now????
    As like so many others i did a google search for sony psp. How i wish i hadn’t.
    This company needs to be stopped……

    ”’Longrider replies; They ”have” been stopped. NEPCO ceased trading in January. The recourse open to you are to try and get the money back through your credit card company or join [ Matrix Watch] victims’ register.”’

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