Vive La France 2006

Review of Vive La France 2006
vive la franceOnce again, France visits the heart of London for the Vive La France exhibition at Olympia. Once again, Mrs Longrider and I took the train to London to take a look. There is the usual array of fine wines and foods. The wines are lost on us, unfortunately, as neither of us imbibe alcohol – but if you do, there’s plenty to choose from. I did succumb to the proffered cheeses though and we bought a fine slice of Gruyère. We also bought a rather nifty barbecue set that holds the food in place while you turn it, which means I’ll be more efficient when cooking alfresco next summer at L’Oustal.

Indeed, we spent rather more money than we planned – but when the opportunity to purchase the same item later is an unknown quantity, we tend to grab it now and worry later. Well, that explains the tin-plate version of Toulouse Lautrec’s Tournée du Chat Noir for the hallway anyway – that’s our excuse and we are sticking to it.

An enjoyable day out for francophiles.