Anne Widdecombe on ID Cards

While on the subject of ID Cards and their well deserved thrashing in the lords, I thought I’d share this little gem found over at the NO2ID forum. Anne Widdecombe is a fan of ID cards. Yes, well…

Anyway, it was this comment in response to a question that made me smile:

She started by saying she had become convinced of their value, in aiding law enforcement and the detection of crime and the apprehension of illegal immigrants, because virtually every Home Secretary she had either served with, or opposed, had been against their introduction when they got the job, but, for the above reasons, amongst others, was very much in favour when they left.

Yes, m’dear, that is because the unelected civil servants are whispering in their ear like keepers. That is why the buffoons come out in favour; their inherent egotism is pandered to by these people to further their own ends. Given that identity cards (and the iniquitous national identity register) will not achieve any of the stated aims and serves no useful function for those who will be forced to pay for them, we have to look to those who will benefit and it ain’t us.

Only a power crazed control freak or a fool would think these things are a good idea. Which description pretty much sums up all of the home secretaries in living memory…

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