Work Makes You Free

There’s been much talk this past couple of days about the Department of Work and Pensions green paper on incapacity benefit. First we are told that doctors will be paid to “encourage” people back to work, then today on Jeremy Vine’s radio show we are told not, then we are told they will be “incentivised” whatever that may be. Still, I find the idea of representatives of the state in my GP’s surgery disquieting – although as I am not claiming incapacity benefit, I suppose I shouldn’t worry too much about it.

It’s the strapline being used that I find somewhat disturbing…

“work is good for you”

If you look at it hard enough, there is a similarity with another strapline that I can recall….

“Arbeit Macht Frei”

Of course, it could just be my vivid imagination working overtime.


  1. I can never understand how so many people stay on this benefit for so long. I was on incapacity benefit for one year after nearly going blind. I was constantly ‘hounded’ for information about when I was having my operations etc. and my GP ‘signed me off’ at the earliest opportunity.

  2. Well it could be the residue from some people (*cough* Thatcher *cough*) using IB to manipulate the unemployment figures. It also includes a pretty nasty poverty trap if things don’t work out, and hence a large disincentive to get off.

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