Government to Press Ahead With ID Cards

Charles Clarke is planning to press ahead with ID cards despite the bashing in the Lords. No surprise there, then. But, still, he claims that the home office plans to link passport renewals with registration on the Stasi database; sorry, national identity register, is, somehow, “voluntary”.

“Mr Clarke said: “We will return to the Bill as it left the Commons. We will obviously look in detail at the particular changes the Lords have made and give them proper consideration. But we predicted and expected these defeats to happen.”

Peers voted to prevent ID cards from becoming compulsory, but Mr Clarke insisted the process would begin on a voluntary basis.

Mr Clarke told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme “ultimately” it should be compulsory to be part of the national identity register. But the process would begin voluntarily, with the system linked to passports.”

No, you pompous sophist, it is not “voluntary”. Where in your warped, duplicitous brain did the English language become so twisted that it is no longer recognisable? What part of “of ones own choosing” do you not understand? Linking passport renewals with your Stasi database; sorry, national identity register; is not even remotely “voluntary” because people will not be granted the right to make a choice – it’s passport and registration or no passport. That is not, I repeat not voluntary and for those who need a passport, it is not a choice.

Oh, yes, and how much is this pernicious little scheme of yours; sorry, barking Blunkett’s; going to cost? It’s a simple enough question, I would have thought an answer to within a billion or two wouldn’t be out of the way. Oh, sorry, of course, you can’t answer that because doing so would increase the costs…

In my quieter moments I have this vision of a row spikes before the tower of London with heads planted firmly on them for all to see. I thought Blair, Blunkett, Falconer and Clarke would be a fine start. Then, perhaps we could add McNulty and Burnham and in the interests of balance, perhaps Widdecombe and the erstwile chancellor, Clarke. Actually, given that I’d want to add Blunkett and pretty much most of the front bench, I’d be in danger of running out of spikes. It’s a pleasing image even if it is complete fantasy.