Dell & Google

I see that Dell is testing Google software with a view to bundling it with new PCs.

“Computer-maker Dell is running tests with Google to see if it will install the firm’s software on its products.Dell said it was evaluating Google’s search tools, both for the web and for documents stored on the PC.

The move would make Google the default search on millions of new computers, as it tries to expand its business and attract more users.”

What they have in mind is the sort of stuff that attaches itself to your browser toolbar – usually when you don’t want it to. Yes, there was probably a checkbox somewhere in the installation of an instant messenger or some such, but I missed it and had to subsequently get rid of the thing that took over my browser:

“”We can confirm that we are running a test with Google that could include a Google-powered home page, Google desktop search and a Google Toolbar,” said Dell spokesman Bob Kaufman.”

Right. As a Dell user – and as I’m happy with my current machine, I fully expect to replace it with another of the same manufacture – I object. I object strongly. When I buy a machine all I want on it is a clean operating system – and nothing else. I am a minimalist, so prefer to keep only what is necessary on my hard drive.

If Dell are planning to offer this as an optional extra on a separate installation disc, all well and good. I’ll just bin that and carry on as before. If they are planning to pre-install this junk, then I’ll have no option but to format the hard drive and install a clean OS. I really don’t want to have to, but I will not have Dell or Google deciding what I keep on my PC, what search tools I use and I sure as hell don’t want them deciding what my homepage will be.

“Once the software is on the computer, the majority of users do not bother with alternatives, analysts said.”

This one will.