Worstall Watch

Via The Devil’s Kitchen, this

Timmy’s got a stalker…

Well, blow me, so he has. I can’t help wondering, though… I know blogging can get a bit incestuous and we do tend to use each others’ work to provide inspiration from time to time. But a whole blog set up for the proposes of fisking another blogger? Now, is it me or is that a bit weird? Obsessive, even? DK’s assessment that this is stalking is pretty close to the truth, I think, and it causes a little shiver to amble slowly down the spine. One of Tim’s commenters, JonT refers to such people as parasitic wankers. Far be it for me to try to outdo him. Call a spade a spade… 

Worstall Watch seems to think Timmy picking up on grammar is worthy of a whole post. A post that is, itself, grammatically flawed. As for the rather silly commenter who seems to think using “fora” rather than “forums” is worthy of a snide remark; I use the term “fora”, too. It is the correct plural form of forum. So what? Criticising those who use the correct form is merely inverse snobbery. It’s pretty childish, too.

I dip into Tim’s blog most days. Do I then want to wander over and see what Worstall Watch has to say about his meanderings?

Well, given that most of the entries are lacking in content and contain variations of the phrase:

“Not a great deal to say about most of them again.”

The answer is short, monosyllabic and it ain’t in the affirmative. This really is one to miss. :dry:

1 Comment

  1. ‘…using “fora” rather than “forums”’

    I’m reminded of the old joke about the rather snooty officer asking his men, “Have you finished your experiments with the pendula?”

    To which they replied, “Yes sir. We are now sat on our ba doing our sa.”

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