A Battle Lost…

Well, the Lords finally capitulated:

The battle over the government’s controversial ID Cards Bill has ended after peers accepted a compromise deal.

No, it is not a “compromise” any more than this insidious scheme is “voluntary”.

Under the compromise, anyone who renews a passport will have their details put on a national ID database – but will not have to get a card until 2010.

That is not a compromise, that is utter capitulation served up as a face saving exercise. The government has not compromised one jot. Not one. We will still be forced onto the stasi database National Identity Register and that was the issue all along. Never mind the cards, bad enough that they are; it is the register that will hold the data, the register that will be hacked, the register that will be compromised by incompetence and corruption. It is the register with its inbuilt audit trail that will be the biggest threat to our personal information and privacy. How, exactly is this a compromise?

So, now the media war will start. Now, only a massive public backlash will force a climb-down. Even then, I can’t feel too optimistic. I renewed my passport early last summer, so I have until 2016 before the threat of compulsion becomes a real problem. By then, hopefully I will no longer be living in this country and if necessary, I will revoke my British citizenship. Frankly, with the current bunch of nasty little scoundrels in government, I’m deeply ashamed of my nationality.


  1. I thought that they would eventually give in, but I had hoped it would take a little longer. New Zealand would probably be my destination of choice. France too has a national ID Card, abet without the all seeing NIR, and I don’t speak French well enough to integrate properly into French culture.

  2. France is my planned destination. My French is still ropey, but improves with every visit. While I dislike the principle of ID cards, it is the NIR and the potential for abuse that I most object to. My identity belongs to me, not the government and I will not allow them to take it.

    I know who I am. If I believe anyone else needs to know, I will share with them just as much information as I deem necessary for us to do business.

  3. Sir:

    As a US national living in Britain on a ‘spousal visa’ (wife is British), my wife and I will leave the UK should the ID card scheme actually be implemented. I’m urging my wife to renew her passport immediately.

    If the legislation stands, I will be most happy to sponsor you for permanent residence in the United States should you at some point decide not to live in France.

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