Jack & Zena and the Database State

Via The Devil’s Kitchen, this story about a couple on the run from a forced marriage. It’s well worth reading and I can’t say anything that adds to DK’s repugnance at the way the couple were hounded and threatened with death by the woman’s family who had arranged an unwanted union for her in Pakistan.

No, it was this almost throw-away comment that caught my eye:

So Jack and Zena began an extraordinary life on the run, pursued by Zena’s family, who stopped at nothing to try to get her back. The brothers got access to secure social security department computers to track them down;

Nothing I have heard from the home office propaganda merchants assures me that their “gold standard” national identity register will be immune from such abuse. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, eh? Tell that to Jack and Zena.

Is it any wonder, then, that those of us who are sufficiently aware of the plans, have no intention whatsoever of allowing sensitive data to find its way onto the database in the first place? Fatally flawed isn’t the half of it. :dry: