Henry Porter in the Guardian Again

Henry porter has an excellent discussion on the Mephistophelian ID Cards Act. In it, he once again debunks government lies about the aims and objectives of the cataloguing and mass surveillance of the UK population:

The government’s arguments in favour of ID cards keep shifting, and the hugely expensive project has been sold to the British public on a false prospectus. The government began by saying it would prevent terrorism. When that wasn’t tenable, it said it would prevent ID theft. When that didn’t work, it said it would prevent benefit fraud and when that didn’t work it resorted to claiming that it would help control illegal immigration.

Do go and read the lot. For those of us implacable in our opposition to this scheme, it is satisfying to see a mainstream newspaper on the left voicing our concerns. If you are ambivalent or in favour, then reading it might just sow some seeds of doubt about the scheme’s efficacy and the aims and objectives of the government pushing it through despite massive difficulties. It isn’t for our benefit, you know. If it was, they would have dropped it long ago…