The True Face of Islam

Between me hearing about this story this morning on the radio and getting to a computer this evening, I see that Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali has apologised for his “offensive” sermon (hat tip Devils Kitchen).

Australia’s senior Muslim cleric Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali has apologised for any offence caused by his comments that immodestly dressed women provoke sexual attacks.

Sheik Alhilali drew widespread condemnation for likening scantily clad women to uncovered meat eaten by animals in a sermon to 500 people last month, The Australian reported today.

“I unreservedly apologise to any woman who is offended by my comments,” he said in a statement today.

“I had only intended to protect women’s honour, something lost in The Australian presentation of my talk.”

That’s a shame…

I’m a great believer in the freedom of speech. Therefore, I’m more than happy for the Sheik to spout off. Certainly, I believe that the Australians should give him every opportunity to speak, nay, provide him with a platform indeed. Let him call his message from the minarets of the mosque. We all want to hear what he has to say, so speak up, speak out, don’t hold back old bean.

Those of us who speak out about the ideology of Islam in negative tones, are accused by the multiculturalists of “Islamophobia”, even though there is nothing irrational about what we say. I frequently point out that this repugnant ideology is misogynistic, but the good sheik has proved me wrong, it is misanthropic. After all, women are mere meat (didn’t we know this already?), and men are nothing more than bestial savages unable to control our primal urges. Yup, it’s insulting and offensive to all of us. Bring it on, I say. Y’see, Sheik Hilaly makes the case against the repugnant, medieval ideology that underpins the cult of Islam far more eloquently than I ever can – and, perhaps, just perhaps, the dhimmi apologists might for once take notice. One can but hope.

1 Comment

  1. “and, perhaps, just perhaps, the dhimmi apologists might for once take notice.”

    They won’t. They’ve been brainwashed into believing that Islam is a peaceful religion and these incidents (which are occurring thick and fast and is the reality of this primitive and wicked old belief system) are mere aberrations.

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