A Brief Reminder About Copyright

Unfortunately, upon looking at my referral logs, I note that images from my sites have been used and manipulated without my permission. I generally take a relaxed approach about the use of my content – certainly fair use is not affected in any way, but the stealing of RSS feeds caused me to resort to partial feeds following discovery of wholesale theft of posts. Now it is images that are being hot-linked (this is bandwidth theft) and subsequent derivatives made.

I will, generally, allow people to use my images providing they ask first and acknowledge the source. I will not, under any circumstances agree to derivatives and will invoke copyright law should I discover any instances. I am currently doing so with a site at the moment.

If you are considering using my images, then please note my copyright notice and contact me first. It isn’t much to ask.


  1. Hiya. I have a pic up on my main website which you’ve seen and said nothing negative about so I’m assuming that it’s okay? Though it’s not hotlinked in any way. I used a screensnapping device, saved it to my hard drive then uploaded it from there. I’m sorry that you’ve had posts ripped off. I wrote a great piece for my blog the other day, posted it then thought better of it and took it down. It’s going to go into a future book that I’m writing with Kim via Lulu. I just can’t risk perhaps losing it by theft.

    PS I’ve double-posted. Could you remove the first one please?

  2. Just sue the idle thieving bastards. It’s simply laziness and avarice on their part, coupled with the stupidity of believing they’ll get away with it.

    I loathe these freeloaders. Take no prisoners!

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