That’s it, Blame the Atheists…

The Archbishop of York is throwing a temper tantrum over secularists and atheists for the silliness about Christmas decorations and such:

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, attacked “aggressive” secularists and “illiberal” atheists yesterday for “throwing out the crib at Christmas”.
In his strongest assault yet on attempts to purge Christianity from public life, Dr Sentamu said such people were undermining the country’s cultural traditions. The Archbishop’s comments reflect the growing fury of Church leaders at reports of companies banning Christmas decorations and schools leaving Jesus out of nativity plays.

Well, I understand the Church’s irritation. The pagans must have been a bit miffed when the early Christians came over and started taking over the midwinter solstice festival… And for a church leader to start talking about illiberal… that’s the biscuit well and truly taken, eaten and the crumbs swept away.

Ah, but, whose fault is all this nonsense?

They also signalled his intention to declare all-out war on secularists, who he claimed were unfairly blaming other faiths to advance their own anti-religious agenda.

“Aggressive secularists are trying to pretend that it is possible to enter into the true meaning of Christmas by leaving out Jesus Christ,” he said.

It is; it’s called the winter solstice. You know, the festival you bastards corrupted in the first place.

The silliness over decorations in offices has nothing to do with secularism or atheism, it’s to do with the stupidity of people who are so politically correct that they are afraid of a backlash of offence from people who are not offended. They are too cowed to stand up for what they believe in.

I am prepared to stand up for what I believe in. That’s why I don’t “do” Christmas. That’s why I find people such as the Archbishop deeply repugnant. His “all out war” is something I will withstand fairly simply – that is because I do not need the support of imaginary friends, I do not need to talk to the sky and I do not need him or his daft religion. So, go ahead, Archbishop, do your worst. I still won’t be celebrating Christmas, I still won’t be prostrating myself before an alter to a mythical being that does not exist. I’ll be raising a glass on the 21st though, as I mark the turning of the winter and the point where the days start to draw out. No cribs, no mythical prophets, no decorations, no baubles, no tree and no silly man in a red coat, just myself, Mrs Longrider and a quiet moment of contemplation.

Dr Sentamu, a Ugandan-born former judge, added: “The aggressive secularists pervert and abuse any notion of diversity for the sake of promoting a narrow agenda. Meanwhile those other faith communities, who have stated categorically they are not offended by Christmas, know that if Christmas falls, they will be next.”

Bollocks! Utter, utter bollocks! A secular society is one where there is freedom of (and from) religion. No one is stopping you practice your religion. No one. Indeed, the only attempts I see here are those engaged in by you in attempting to wage war on my freedom from your religion.

“Why don’t the aggressive secularists and illiberal atheists listen to the great wisdom of Sir John Mortimer, playwright and atheist, who writing in The Daily Telegraph on April 28, 1999, said ‘Our whole history and culture in Europe is based on Christianity, whether you believe in it or not. Our culture is Christian; Shakespeare, Mozart – all that makes life worth living is part of the Christian tradition’ .”

Because it isn’t? That our forefathers were Christian does not mean that Christianity has to be at the core of our culture. All of these things can exist without delusional belief systems. Any civilised society will develop ethics and law, music, literature and art. That those quoted included belief simply means that they were men of their time. Nor does our history mean that we have to perpetuate any single part of it if we choose not to.

Bosses also felt that Christmas trees and tinsel made offices unprofessional, said law firm Peninsula.

They do. But that’s just my opinion.

I don’t give a flying fig what you do at this time of the year – your relationship with your imaginary friend is your business and you can indulge in all the silly, pointless rituals your religion decrees to your heart’s content as far as I am concerned. You see, I’m not threatened by it or you. So, please, just stop trying to blame atheists and secularists for imaginary slights and get on with talking to your imaginary friend and leave the rest of us alone.


  1. What have you got against imaginary friends, mine are very nice to talk with and are very witty when I have had a few to many. They do tell lies but not as many as some of my real friends. Any way our glorious leader, phoney Toney only has imaginary friends, purporting to be real. Soon the real from the imagined friends will be seen. I can’t imagine good old George Bush queuing up to visit his best friend in Wormwood Scrubs.

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