Ditch the Scheme

From today’s Observer:

Also at the Home Office is a looming row over ID cards. Their cost is spiralling and every precedent of big government IT projects suggests the technology behind them will fail. Mr Brown could spare trouble and cash, while showing respect for citizens’ privacy, by ditching the scheme.

Quite. The question is; will he?


  1. “The question is; will he” ditch ID cards

    “No” according to this post on the NO2ID site. Let’s face it LR, the man’s a piece of authoritarian shit (or politician, which is much the same). He is a parasite who has never done a decent day’s work in his life. Why would he ditch ID cards? To save money? To save our civil liberties? He has wasted billions – or stood there and let billions be wasted. He has connived in the shredding of our constitution. Why should he change the habits of a lifetime?

  2. He might see it as being in his political interests to do so. Getting one over on Cameron, for example. If he does, it won’t be because he values our liberty.

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