
Screenshot-4Sigh… It seems that I’m “condoning bigotry” now. You’d have to be incredibly obtuse to read my comments and come to that conclusion. That or a NuLab stooge who can follow neither the English language nor a logical argument.

What this tells me is that Neil likes to talk freedom, but in reality that merely means what is acceptable to the NuLab elite. Thinking otherwise is unacceptable behaviour, allowing people to trade as they see fit is unacceptable – so clearly freedom of association is not a part of the totalitarian mindset on display here.

Frankly, such reasoning is deeply repugnant to any reasonable person who values the right to express oneself, to limit one’s own trade – indeed to live one’s own life as one sees fit. It is not enough for the NuLab stooge that peoples’ beliefs might be offensive, they must not be allowed to utter them, they must not be allowed to conduct their business on their private property as they see fit.

It was attributed to Voltaire, but this quotation, clichéd as it is, is valid here:

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

The same principle applies to the discussion in question; I disapprove of hoteliers who apply bigotry in their trading activities, but I defend to the death their right to trade freely with whomever they choose and to restrict entry to their private property based upon their values and judgements – because it is their private property. To suggest that this position is a defence of bigotry is itself the product of a bigoted and ignorant mind. This was explained in plain, simple English – anyone could have followed it… Apart from Neil. Well, what did I expect?

That said, Neil is free to express himself as he sees fit and he does so with my blessing. Indeed, I will defend to the death his right to be an obtuse, ignorant, illiberal and bigoted fool wherever and whenever he wants; no matter how abhorrent his views.