Happy Birthday

Longrider Blog is three years old this week – on the 23rd, to be precise. In the three years that I’ve been doing this, I’ve written 1,111 posts – well, with this one, it will be 1,112 – and there have been 2,350 comments. Long may it continue. Providing of course, we don’t get shut down… It was the vile behaviour of politicians and their attempts to stamp out our civil liberties that started me doing this back in 2004. Then it was the thoroughly obnoxious David Blunkett and his “entitlement cards” that boiled my blood. The bastard cards are, unfortunately, still lurking on the horizon even though Big Blunkett has departed from the cabinet. Which is a reminder that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

Here’s to the next three years.


  1. Many happy returns. And I will indeed raise a glass to your next three years. Blogging needs all the sane voices it can muster, because God knows the political classes exhibit precious little of that quality.

    My own second anniversary is fast approaching – and I had clean forgotten until you mentioned your own. A double celebration, then.

  2. Yes, congratulations indeed. You’re doing very well.

    It can be a thankless lonely task, but don’t give up. I check in every day and I’m sure many others do, too. Just because we don’t always comment doesn’t mean we’re not interested/amused etc.

  3. Happy birthday and please keep writing. I don’t always agree with what you say (though I share your hatred of ID cards) but it’s always worth reading.

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