The Cardinal and Elizabeth I

The Church is getting its knickers in a knot over the latest Elizabeth film:

A Vatican-backed historian has attacked the film Elizabeth: The Golden Age as a “distorted anti-papal travesty” that risks dividing the West just when it should be rediscovering its “common Christian roots” in the face of Islam.

Writing in Avvenire, the official organ of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, Franco Cardini said that the film formed part of a “concerted attack on Catholicism” by atheists and “apocalyptic Christians”.

Sigh… I could get all incensed by the deranged outpourings of a religious fundamentalist who wants to impose his world-view (based upon a bunch of fairy tales) on Western civilisation. I could point out that this is Hollywood and Hollywood has always played fast and loose with reality – a bit like the Catholic Church, indeed. I could point out that England kicked the Catholic Church good and hard where it hurts – and deservedly so. I could point out that by the time of Elizabeth’s reign, the population was predominantly *Protestant and wanted nothing to do with the Holy Church, it’s inquisition and oppression of other faiths. I could point out that it clearly still rankles. I could point out that secularism is a good thing – and that religion should be a private matter, but we are dealing with fanatics here, so why bother. The man is a pillock and not worthy of further comment other than derision. So, derision it is…

*Not that the early Protestants were much better, mind…

1 Comment

  1. It kind of reminds me of the hoohah about the Da Vinci Code and how it was a distortion of the Gospels and other such crap – it was a work of fiction!!!!! This is different in that Elizabeth lived but it’s a bloody film, I doubt it’s going to make the world spin off its axis!!!! The man’s a bloody idiot!!!!

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