
The Pope is to offer relief from purgatory to the faithful who visit Lourdes next year:

Pilgrims to the shrine in south-west France will receive “plenary indulgences” from the Pontiff, which the Church says reduce the time spent being “washed” of sin after death. The indulgences will be available from this weekend until Dec 8, 2008.

Given that he decided that Limbo no longer exists – just like that – one wonders at the existence of purgatory.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. Oh, wait…


  1. This man they call the pope is he serious. A monkey could do better than that. Anyhow what evidence is in scripture of a place, purgatory. no wonder thinking people are leaving the so called christian R.C. faith. Who does the pope think He is.
    Ron verner
    southern cross care

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