Pre-Paid Debit Card

Now here’s an interesting idea:

The UK’s first ever prepaid card to incorporate Government-approved proof-of-age verification has been launched today.

By combining a prepaid Visa debit card with a colour photograph and PASS accredited proof-of-age hologram, the UreLife card provides a new way for parents and retailers, and for the first time online retailers, to stop underage spending on age-restricted goods.

This just goes to show that government is not needed when it comes to providing identity verification schemes. For those people who feel that they need some sort of proof of identity or age, this combined card does the trick. No NIR and no politicians or civil servants poking about.

That said, it will still be vulnerable to the risks from fraud as any other system.


  1. “That said, it will still be vulnerable to the risks from fraud as any other system.”

    Yes, but at least we aren’t paying for it, other than the normal cost of fraud that we stand through the incresed cost of gods.

  2. “Yes, but at least we aren’t paying for it, other than the normal cost of fraud that we stand through the incresed cost of gods.”

    Yes, but to be fair, I’m sick to death of paying for overpriced gods. Considering the number of the fucking things in circulation, the price should be falling if anything. Or has some EU wankbrain found a way of turning them into biofuel?

    (Sorry, couldn’t help it).

  3. Hey longrider did you know your ‘photos’ page gives a JS/Exploit-BO.gen trojan warning (Mcafee, IE7)????

    Not good.

  4. I don’t know why that should be – it is a standard Coppermine database. I’ve just checked it with both Firefox and IE with no problems. I don’t have McAfee, so cannot check it with that. Okay, scrub that, there does appear to be some sort of problem. I’m taking it down temporarily until I figure out what is going on.

  5. You forgot to add that as the government doesn’t have it’s grubby little mitts on it it will be more secure as well.

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