Light Blogging

Blogging has been light of late and is likely to continue to be so for a week or two – real life intervenes, making me manically busy.

In the meantime, I have managed a little wildlife photography, so here’s one for the album.




  1. It’s some NEW combination of spray chemicals in play in Squawbunion County this year, the frogs simply do not obtain, toads ditto, and there was darned few June bugs (May beetles) banging into windowscreens by night earlier on. yet the “moq’sitoes” seem to thrive on all the Clarity and Atrazine, or something. There are but a few butterflies at this point, too, as compared to just five years past. The only good news is that the houseflies are dopier and less on the qui vive and even easier to take out, “seven at one blow” and all that. So are the people, but then THEY eat so much hydrogenated oil and MSG they have no zinc uptake whatsoever, none, zip, nada….

    On a cheerier note, who /is/ that gorgeous flutterby? The actress Zillah Glory per chance?

    That’s it for me, I’ve got to get back to the oats, barley, wheat, combining and what have you….

  2. Interestingly, they are plentiful in this part of the world – I’ve been trying for that shot for the best part of five years. Patience is now rewarded 😉

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