A Pinch of Salt

Well, finally

What we do know from other research is that eating less salt will lower blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in people with existing hypertension, but critics argue that for the rest of the population the advice on salt consumption should be taken with, well, a pinch of salt.

I always did.

I have a rule of thumb; if politicians tell me to do something for my own good, it is likely as not nothing of the sort and I will do the opposite.


  1. When I hear a politician speak, I assume that they are either lying or indulging in self interest until I see verifiable evidence to the contrary.

  2. I was bored this evening as I made myself a sandwich, so I read the ingredients list on the margarine! (Not quite as sad as it sounds, I previously worked in the food manufacturing trade, and some habits die hard!)

    There at the bottom of the list was confirmation that 1.5% salt had been added to the mixture. Then it struck me that the English speakers are the only people who add salt to butter and margarine. I wonder how long it will be before the Single Market becomes the reason for a new law to ban that addition of salt to yellow spreadable fats? After all, the taste preferences of the British public is a non-tariff barrier. Precisely the sort of barrier that the EU has awarded itself the job of destroying (unless it helps the French or the Germans!).

  3. Thanks for the link to the Times article.

    I freely confess to having a bee in my bonnet on this subject – I don’t like most low-salt and no-salt products – though I don’t actually eat much salt.

    I’m just back from the USA and I notice that most of the butter that I got there (and on the flight) was unsalted, much to my disappointment. Even in the UK, unsalted butter is becoming more common. I had lunch in a very nice tea room a few months back, and was very surprised that the only butter on offer was unsalted. I guess I’m just not posh enough!
    .-= My last blog ..Pauline Howe: Where does David Cameron stand? =-.

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