Is That All?

I had another bit of blogspam arrive in my email box today. This time from Jan Jallores representing a social networking website for receptionists. Now, when someone asks me to host paid for links despite my contact page saying specifically that I don’t host commercial links, I sigh inwardly, particularly when their opening line is about doing research. I mean, if I clearly say that I don’t do it, why bother pasting a form mail asking me? Waste of time, I’d have thought.

However, what is interesting is that a specific figure was mentioned – along with a specific piece of text in one of my older articles. So far, so good. Very precise. As is usual, I checked to see if Jan had form. They always do, don’t they?

Here the blogger concerned is offered $75 for a link. Here the offer was a mere $50, so the price has dropped. You can see where this is going, can’t you? I was only offered $35. I almost feel cheated.


  1. I thought that, too. so I looked at the site. While there is an element of social networking, it is primarily selling remote receptionist services. So good old SPAM after all.

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