The Rise of the Intermong

Al Jahom has stirred up a veritable hornet’s nest with his comments about this story.

Now I don’t claim to know the ins and outs of the story beyond the article AJ links to. His comments are pretty much what you would expect from him if you read his witterings as I do most days.

However, the 142 comments that follow is getting close to a record; not just because of the number but the sheer level of ignorance on display. We see text speak, no punctuation, a failure to capitalise proper nouns, inability to use contractions properly, wonderful misspellings and CAPSLOCK used extensively – and they are the ones that are borderline coherent.

There is some amusement to be had watching Obo, Julia and JD taking the piss out of the army of retards who seem to think that “respect” is something you demand as a right – but, let’s be fair, folks, you are mocking the afflicted here. It is all a worthwhile read if you have a few minutes to spare – in a train wreck kind of way.

The killer quote here comes from AJ in an update:

This post seems to have attracted a certain amount of attention, which I half expected. I suppose someone posted a link on facebook.

Ah, Facebook. Now what was I saying about that? Or, more specifically what did a commenter say?

Random people often ask me if I am on Facebook. When I reply “No”, they often look quite surprised and ask me why.
I always answer, “Because I’m not 12”.

To be proved so right, so rapidly, eh?


Further to this, Jackart elucidates a different point of view. Actually,  I agree with much of what he says – although not all of us have got drunk and pissed in inappropriate places. There are some wonderfully silly assertions and excuses offered up by an anonymous commenter. Why are they nearly always anonymous, I wonder?


  1. Jackart, I wasn’t commenting on the case, I was commenting on the piss-poor quality of the responses to AJ. Some of which were incomprehensible. Basic English isn’t difficult. Unless you have been educated in New Labour’s Britain, I suppose…

    As for not speaking ill of the dead, well, I speak of the dead as I speak of the living – I take them as I find them. Respect is earned, not granted as a right.

    BTW, I’ve been having great difficulty reading your site of late. It doesn’t fully load. Something is stopping it.

  2. The site’s been having problems. Apparently if you refresh the page a couple of times you’ll be OK

    I’ll get round to a redesign some time soon…
    .-= My last blog ..Anthony Kershaw =-.

  3. Still not playing ball. I’ll look out for that redesign. I managed to read your article by highlighting the text. I don’t have a problem with your general take – I think, however, you have misjudged what I’m saying here. Far from indulging in prejudice, I made a judgement based upon the evidence – and there is plenty of it. 😉

  4. Weapons grade quantities of Self-Esteem, Entitlement and Self Image on display, of course.

    Think of it as evolution in action.

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