Ban Football?

I don’t like football, nay, I detest it, absolutely and utterly. I was introduced to it at the age of eight and pretty quickly realised that it and I had no future together. I don’t watch it and when I am asked by people meeting me for the first time about what team I support, I politely advise them that I don’t follow it, which often kills the conversation stone dead as my questioner digests this unexpected response. That said, despite finding it – and all the banal drivel talked about it – tedious beyond measure, I’ve never considered banning it.

Nobody serious about political change can shirk the fact that the game has to be abolished.

Thus speaks Terry Eagleton in the Guardian (where else?). Terry is a socialist and he thinks football is all nasty capitalism, so needs to be banned. That’s what I like about the Groan, there’s always a freak show on offer, and Terry is no exception; a totalitarian fruitcake extraordinaire.


  1. The man’s clearly an idiot doesn’t he realise that any team game is a form of socialism with the ability of the many being coupled into providing the desired goal of all?

    The grauniads full of this sort of stuff these days, I suspect they don’t like the plebs getting all patriotic over England a country they genuinely loathe.

  2. I suspect they don’t like the plebs getting all patriotic over England a country they genuinely loathe.

    Warms the cockles of my heart πŸ˜€

  3. Many years ago, my humour was described by a colleague as “arid”. HTH πŸ˜‰

    Mind you, the first paragraph is entirely true – I really do detest football.

  4. I think it was one of those pieces of humour that are meant to be taken seriously up to the point where someone starts to object whereupon the line shifts to “can’t you take a joke then ?” Anyway a Marxist joke is no laughing matter, the interesting part of it was the way it brought all the unreconstructed Seventies leftists out of the woodwork, someone even used the phrase ‘false consciousness’. There’s no doubt that people like Eagleton really do hate the fact that people prefer football to revolution, still at least it wasn’t Mike Marqusee with his Marxist take on Cricket, CLR James has a lot to answer for.

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