General Bloggy Goings On

Anna Raccoon discusses blogrolls. That should keep Boaty & D amused. Meanwhile Mummy gets her knickers in a knot and comes over all contrite. Haven’t we all?

Dick Puddlecote finds a little Labour creep down in my old stamping ground of Medway and brings our attention to Corrugated Soundbite in the process. Leg Iron is having problems with an overactive brain and thinks too much – about drugs this time. Maybe it’s ADHD or something?

Bucko notes the imbecilic nature of the anti-smoker.

The informed and rationalised debate has left the building.

Did it ever come in?

On the matter of rational debate, Julia draws our attention to a prize bit of chutzpah from Mark Thompson.

He said Sky should be forced to pay ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 a fee for carrying their channels on its satellite platform through a “retransmission” charge.

I can almost admire it. Almost.

Total politics is in the process of announcing the latest results from their annual popularity fest with some regular faces coming out in the libertarian field and the occasional newcomer.

Meanwhile Mark Wadsworth gives us a snippet of entirely useless information. My eyes are blue, so I guess that makes me superior.

And to round off, Obnoxio reminds us that democracy is a pile of poo.


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