Tempus Fugit

This blog was started for my amusement on 23rd October 2004. My, hasn’t that six years slipped by quickly. My fortunes have been somewhat varied in that period, too. I have experienced some of the highest and lowest points in my life in the few years that I’ve been blogging and some of them have been catalogued here.

As for the blog itself, I’m regularly seeing hits per day varying between 400 and 1,000 depending on what I’m talking about and who picks up on it. I’m sometimes surprised by those posts that do generate the most interest, but there’s no accounting for what tickles peoples’ fancy. At the time of writing, I’ve put up over 2,000 posts and people have left over 8,000 comments – for which, thank you.

My output is not as prolific as some – usually one post in a day is sufficient, although sometimes, I’m on a roll and the muse is with me, so I’ll post multiple times, but those days are the exception rather than the norm.

In this time I’ve seen others come and go as is the way. People will feel that they’ve said all they have to say. And, to be fair, there have been times when I’ve felt like that. That said, I tend to just leave it for a few days and then something will catch my eye, pique my interest and I just have to write about it.

Will I still be here in another six years? Who knows, time will tell.


  1. Happy blogiversary!

    “I’m sometimes surprised by those posts that do generate the most interest, but there’s no accounting for what tickles peoples’ fancy.”

    Indeed! I’ve long ago given up trying to predict it…

  2. For a horrible moment there I thought you were about to join the ranks of retired bloggers. Phew! I’d rather not lose yet another one of my favourite blogs.

  3. Thanks all. PTB, if I get a bit tired, I just go quiet for a bit. It tends to look rather silly if you announce your retirement only to come back a few days later. If ever I do stop, that’s precisely what I’ll do, just stop.

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