More on the Intermong – Saturday Morning Funnies

Some while back –  over a year now –  I commented on the trolls that infest Dr Vee’s place. I’d forgotten about it until I noticed a series of visits from that thread in my stats this past couple of days. It seems that some four and a half years after the original post these trolls are still festering. What is amusing is that they demonstrate everything that is dreadful about “teh interwebs” all in one place. Illiteracy, ignorance, incoherence, idiocy, intolerance and, above all, a remarkable lack of self awareness. So, for your delectation, some examples:

This, from the toe-curlingly cretinous Jason:

My oh my Andrew, friend of Traceys, this is an anti summer forum -DUH!!! not a place for you sun dead cancer ridden sun bullies to come and bully us winter lovers! and if you put your name and the word ‘friend & Tracey in one sentance it shows your mentality!!!

I totally support Marna and all his posts and If you supporting the likes of Tracey and that LowRider loser than you are a total jerk so GAL dork breath and fk off!!

We HATE summer and its cult on here ..You get the picture?? or do I need to Dumb it down some what for ya!!

Summer lovers are shallow and abnoxious creatures and have the IQ of a ping pong ball…..We cop there crap all the time and this forum is the one place that we can retaliate and speak our thoughts

We winter folk are on a much deeper and higher spiritual level than a sun zombie could ever even conceive..We are intellegant and care for ourselves and the enviroment we live in..we have much more to life than worrying if the stupid sun is not dominate in the sky when we get up in the morning …

See what I mean about lack of self awareness, there? He likes to complain that others –  who do no more than disagree with him –  are bullies, yet indulges in vitriolic insults. The word here is “projection” –  and I’m sure a shrink would have a field day. And I note that he still can’t spell, still can’t string a sentence (note the correct spelling) together, still uses the screamer like they are going out of fashion and still has the IQ of a ping pong ball –  and if this is the quality of their thoughts, perhaps they are better left unvoiced. If anyone is a “TARD!!!” who needs to “grow up”, it is our intermong friend, Jason. Still, he does provide some mild amusement. And as for “or do I need to Dumb it down some what for ya!!” –  no, I think you are quite dumb enough, thanks all the same.  I needed a little cheering up and you have managed it nicely.

His equally idiotic friend Marna completes the feast:

Well well well well what a load of insufferable anus mouth crap!!!

Andrew well I do think you need to grow up and stop being a control freak!
I know your types!!
Well yes Tracey pretended to be my mother….mmmmm!!
and you suport such unintellegent acts do you?????
And also this long ranger is an incommentent fool!

Me being a continous gift giver is abit sick!
I am sorry my mother is dead so Tracey using her as an alias is sick and inexcusable!!!
If you support such acts your as sick as she is!!!!
I will not stand and have my mother insulted and freinds either!!
This site is for people who dont appreciate summer and all it stands for to talk too like minded people!! not a forum on which to push your unintellegent veiws and disasterous vemon as you claim!!!
I am not going to stand here and let you defame me, you demented weirdo! go find a man you sissyboy and get a fuk!
and leave me alone!
I live for positive people not dik heds like you duffous!
Oh one more thing get a fu k n life!

Again, the inability to use the English language. Apparently, I’m “incommentent” –  I presume that he means “incompetent”. However, we are not given any insight into what area I am incompetent in. I could tell you as, being competent in my field, I am aware of my limitations, but that’s another matter. Again, note the use of text speak and the pure vitriol.`Also, people who no more than voice disagreement are “control freaks”. Wonderful. I once said that this poltroon was the gift that keeps on giving and here he is, generous to a fault over a year on.

As with the previous time I crossed swords with these cretins, they claim again that “this is an anti summer forum -DUH!!!” No, it isn’t. It is a personal blog that these people have infested. Duncan (Dr Vee) once told me that he doesn’t close comments on his blog as, from time to time, someone will make a comment long after the discussion has ceased and it adds value. I can see his point, but as this tends to be a target for spammers, I prefer to have a cut-off. And, frankly, I can’t be bothered to get into a discussion that has long run its course. Indeed, the only time it tends to happen here is when the conspiracy theorists see my post on Peter Power and try to regale me with their pet theories as to why I am wrong. Seriously, I don’t want to know, which is why the comments are closed. I’m not sure what value a bunch of semi-literate arseholes spilling their bile at anyone they disagree with adds to Dr Vee’s blog. Indeed, I think it does it a disservice and may well discourage valid comment. Here, I agree with something Sunny Hundal once said along the lines of free speech sometimes flourishing better when you get rid of the noise –  or words to that effect. Jason, Marna et al are merely noise. If it was me, I’d have kicked them off long ago. Oh, yeah, I already did…


Update: Poor little Marna is just misunderstood –  he’s a nice chap really who loves fluffy kittehs and I’m a grumpy bully. No, Marna, you and Jason are perfectly happy to dish out vitriolic insults to anyone who disagrees with you but can’t handle it when someone points out that you are intolerant, nasty bigots and dishes it back. Still, nice bit of pseudo-psycho-claptrap there. You might convince retarded intermongs like Jason, but the rest of us recognise arse-dribble when we see it.


Update: My, oh my, these two really are the gift that keeps on giving. Since I wrote the above, someone copied and pasted it to the comments over at Duncan’s blog. A bit naughty that, but never mind. Predictably, Jason and Marna responded as expected with an explosion of vitriolic insults thrown about wildly and without much any reason or logic. Again, I am accused of control freakery and intimidation. What these two have failed to comprehend is the free speech principle. They were perfectly free to critique my original post regarding summer. But that means if they do so from a position of ignorance, I am perfectly free to respond, commenting on that ignorance –  that’s how free speech works. These two would much rather there was no dissent and will use any tactic to suppress it. This, for example, from Jason

Like this is an anti summer forum site.. so you have absoluley no right to come on here ranting about rubbish like spelling mistakes etc!
If you are not to discuss what this forum is for piss off!
and you have no right to come on here mocking our lingo either!!
You are obviously a racist as you are paying out other lingo from other parts of the world!!
So you justify ‘Tracey’ ranting on about marrying me and being Marna’s mother…I’m sorry but you are just as disturbed as ‘Tracey’..

Your obvious intention is to not only piss me off but to intimedate new people that are on here (as they googled anti summer sites) so they are scared off..
There is a cliff somewhere with your name on it with a sign saying jump Freak, So GO Find It…

Sigh, quite apart from him missing the fact that I didn’t post it, someone else copied and pasted it and said as much – Jason cannot comprehend English, even the simple stuff; I don’t know how many times it has to be said for this to take root in Jason’s cavernous cranium, but Dr Vee’s blog IS NOT an anti-summer forum site. It is a personal blog. As for who has the right to comment, well, that’s pretty rich coming from the resident troll. When Jason and Marna register a domain name and pay for the hosting, they can decide who is welcome and who is not. Until then, it’s none of their concern. And, importantly, given that I am making my comments here, I’ll say what I damn well please and they can lump it. That free speech thing, damned inconvenient, what?

And, eventually, I am called a racist. This pretty much completes my collection of insults from these two. The epithet “racist” is the final refuge of the charlatan who wants to shut down any dissenting voices. Pointing out that their literacy skills are markedly lacking is not racism, it is an observation of fact, nothing more –  as is pointing out that much of the above quote is incoherent bilge that makes no sense whatsoever. And, again, as they seem to have difficulty comprehending plain English –  I’ll type it slowly this time –  regional differences are not the same thing as illiterate drivel. To suggest that the kind of cack coming from these two keyboard warriors is Strine is to insult all those Australians who can and do communicate in properly constructed, thoughtful English prose.

When I note the insults being thrown about; control freak, bully, racist, Nazi and so on –  none of which actually apply –  I can’t help wondering if they are a bit thick and do not understand the terms they are using or they are a bit thick and simply lack the imagination to come up with some witty and original terms. Either way, they are so dense they make ebony look like balsa wood. This rather brings me to the matter of intelligence generally. These two repeatedly like to claim that they are more intelligent than those who like summer –  and, more specifically, those who have the effrontery to openly challenge them. I’d be more inclined to take those comments seriously if they were able to string a simple sentence together with readable syntax and accurate spelling and actually comprehend what their opponents are saying as opposed to what they think they are saying through all of that red mist –  which sort of brings us in a full circle.

I see that Marna claims to live in the best place in the world, which is somewhat amusing, given that he has been whining like a jet engine for the past four and a half years about the climate out there. You would have thought by now he would have moved to Anchorage or Murmansk where the climate is more to his liking, instead of boring the pants off anyone unfortunate enough to stumble upon this thread. That’s when he and Jason aren’t trading insulting comments about people they don’t expect to answer back. Insults based on how people dress, the colour of their skin and their hairstyles. This, of course, is the behaviour of the playground bully. Which is itself interesting as “bully” is a term they use to describe anyone who dares to gainsay them. They don’t understand the term “hypocrisy” either, it seems.

Finally, Duncan has decided to intervene –  after nearly 480 comments and four and a half years of flames, trolling, insults and downright bad behaviour.

Flaming and personal attacks stop now, or this thread will be closed. Any comments for this thread that are held in moderation will not be published from now on.

Not too soon, then? I’d have given these two their marching orders four and a half years ago. As it is, the noise to signal ratio on your blog is now far too high. You have allowed these two to harm the quality of discourse, which is a shame.

But, remember what I said about lack of self-awareness? How about this from Jason:

Thankyou for that Duncan.
The topic has been thrown out of proportian somewhat latley.
This is a great thread and I hope that you will keep it going as I myself have met a few nice folk through this that I keep in touch with now & I hope that other genuine people can get out of it what I have:)

It’s at this point that those of us with fully functioning irony meters have to phone out for a replacement.


Today, the 26th  February, the cognitive dissonance continues:

hi duncan,
its been so terrible dodging the bullets,
I have been hurt so badly by these nasty people.
I love this site and have met some great friends from here,
its so sad to see bullies come on this site and scare me dol!
FCOL its SDRS you know what i mean!

I don’t think I’ll bother replacing that irony meter, it’ll only explode.


28th  February Apparently, I’m the troll.

good point jason. i think from now on, us winter lovers should ignore any hateful posts coming from trolls. i would hate to see the thread closed

Now, let’s see… Was it me who went to someone else’s site and accused them of being mentally ill? Er, I don’t think so. Was it me who spent the past four and a half years busily making insulting and hate-ridden remarks about people they have seen in the street, based upon appearance, clothing and skin colour? No, I don’t think so. What I have done, is point this out and make it absolutely clear that the comments made were made from a position of ignorance. Pointing out that these comments were illiterate drivel is not trolling, nor is treating these nasty scumbags to a taste of their own medicine. Yup, the lack of self-awareness is staggering and Duncan is doing himself no favours by allowing it to continue.


  1. Great writing, Longrider! The final sentence which points out the irony of Jason’s post really hits the nail on the head. A great analysis and summary here. I have kept an eye on your blog for some time now, it always makes for an interesting read.

    I had a look at Duncan’s website and noticed that his ‘I hate summer’ thread is loaded with flames and insults in the form of the gibberish noise supplied by Jason and Marna.

    When Duncan finally intervened, I thought it was because he realised what had become of his ‘I hate summer’ thread. Alas, even after his intervention the madness continues.

    Predictably, Jason’s friend Marna of course had to have his say after Jason’s reply to Duncan’s intervention:

    hi duncan,
    its been so terrible dodging the bullets,
    I have been hurt so badly by these nasty people.
    I love this site and have met some great friends from here,
    its so sad to see bullies come on this site and scare me dol!
    FCOL its SDRS you know what i mean!

    Honestly, I thought that Duncan had decided enough was enough. Its hard to believe then that this pair are allowed to go on flaming,insulting,infesting…

  2. Kate, quite so. I have always been a fan of Duncan’s blog and was a regular commenter prior to his lapsing a short while back. We are both advocates of the free speech principle but take different paths. His is to let the comments thread do its own thing without interference. I will, occasionally, put a stop to things when they show signs of getting out of hand. There are two types of speech; that which furthers the discussion and that which damages it. Allowing the latter does no favours to the former and we are under no obligation to grant it any respect.

    When Jason and Marna decided that flinging their insults in my direction from there was okay, I knew Duncan wouldn’t delete the comments, so I did the only thing that I could; I responded from here. It starkly demonstrated that while they can dish it out, they cannot take it back.

    These two are clearly suffering cognitive dissonance – it is they who have been flaming, insulting and bullying and doing so from a position of ignorance. Ordinarily, I don’t take issue with people’s literacy, preferring to let them make their point in the best way they can. When, however, they claim superior intelligence and the lack of literacy is why they are making the stupid comments that they are, then it’s open season as far as I am concerned.

    I would like to think that Duncan will call it a day on that thread as it damages the reputation of his blog, but the signs aren’t looking good at the moment.

    I’ve run out of irony meters. I don’t suppose you could lend me one? 😉

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