New Beginnings?

Things have been quiet for the past couple of days here. Real life has intervened. I’ve been doing some work for a client. They have asked me to join them on a full time, salaried basis. The offer is a good one and we are finalising the fine details.

So, maybe, just maybe, the light is glowing at the end of a long, dark tunnel. I almost dare not hope…


  1. Good for you, fingers crossed.

    I got my own start date today, unfortunately not till 24 Oct as there’s a lot of stuff to sort out, but onwards and upwards (again) πŸ˜€

  2. Good news – all the best!

    By coincidence, I finally managed this morning to persuade my employers of 5 years standing to give me a salary rather than piecework.

    Must be something in the air!

  3. “So, maybe, just maybe, the light is glowing at the end of a long, dark tunnel. I almost dare not hope…”

    You want to at least hope it’s not a train…

    Congratulations on the job.

  4. After being out of work for 7 years I got the job of my dreams and am loving it so I can understand your elation in getting a job. I hope you get a brilliant job and enjoy it.

  5. Thankyou all. This is an interesting situation. The company is a small family business that has suddenly grown rather more rapidly than they expected. I’ve been doing bits and pieces for them for the past year or so and they have always said that they would like me to work with them full time as I have the training and assessment background they want, along with compliance and H&S. Also, I did their initial audit when they were starting out and they got a fair bit of free consultancy from me during the early days. Now that business has picked up and they can afford to take me on, the offer has been made.

    I’m having a little difficulty pinning them down on things like a contract. The chap who owns it is more used to a handshake over a pint. I’m having to be firm with him about things like contract of employment and job descriptions. But, then, it’s things like that that he wants me for… πŸ˜‰

  6. Heh – if you’re lucky, you could get to write your own job spec and terms and conditions. I’ve worked for people where I was the only one able to do that, and it’s, er, interesting. Best of luck with the enterprise. I’m still grinding away on minumum wage +, but at least it’s a job.

  7. Congratulations. I am waiting to hear today whether I have a new job after 5 months on the dole. Hopefully I’ll get it as I’ve worked for them twice before.

  8. if you’re lucky, you could get to write your own job spec and terms and conditions.

    That’s pretty much the situation. They really need the skill-set I have and, frankly, if I don’t take it, they will struggle to fill the post, yet desperately need it.

    Lemmi – here’s hoping.

    And, again, many thanks for all the good wishes.

  9. Hope it all goes well LR. Best of luck to you and others here who have recently landed employment.

    Been away from here a while as Mrs M! just reproduced and things got rather busy at home. Luckily my boss let me work from home these past 5 weeks, but today it’s back to the office.

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