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August 20, 2013 Longrider 10

This is supposed to be funny. The line that won Dave’s Funniest Joke of The Fringe ran: “I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing […]

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Quelle Surprise…

August 20, 2013 Longrider 3

Well, blow me down… Health checks offered to millions of people over 40 are a waste of time, says the UK’s leading GP. Dr Clare […]

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August 19, 2013 Longrider 12

Another survey based on junk science. Bullying in childhood “throws a long shadow” into victims’ adult lives, suggests research indicating long-term negative consequences for health, […]

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Now It’s Coffee

August 19, 2013 Longrider 0

It’ll kill you, apparently. Lots of headlines last week warned young people (those under 55) that drinking more than 28 cups of coffee a week – four […]

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It Never Stops

August 18, 2013 Longrider 9

I suppose eventually it was inevitable that the health fascists would end up disappearing up their own fundaments as they seek ever more products to […]

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Oh, I Don’t Know…

August 18, 2013 Longrider 5

Labour has failed to get its message across. Labour has “massively failed” to get its case across to the public this summer, the party’s former […]

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One Rule for Them…

August 17, 2013 Longrider 4

T’was ever thus, I suppose. Some senior civil servants are having their tax bills paid on benefits such as official cars and accommodation, it has emerged. Whitehall […]

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I’m a Fruitcake

August 13, 2013 Longrider 24

Apparently… Although, as is usual from a lefty rag, the questions are so heavily loaded, the “quiz” is worthless cockwaffle. People who have opinions that […]