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The Devil…

August 11, 2013 Longrider 1

…Looks after his own. The disgraced former cabinet minister Chris Huhne has walked into more controversy after taking a job with a US energy firm, […]

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Rough Justice

August 10, 2013 Longrider 6

This little shit got more than he bargained for. Frank Corti, 72, who served with the Royal Engineers in North Africa from 1956-58, dodged the […]

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A Plan to Cut Waste

August 8, 2013 Longrider 9

When we bought a new television, we gave the old one away on Gumtree. It was pretty outdated technology and we wouldn’t have got much […]

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Wimp of the Day

August 8, 2013 Longrider 4

Three officers turned up at the home of Sir Benjamin Slade after a member of the public reported that they felt threatened by the image, which […]

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Well Done!

August 8, 2013 Longrider 2

Is this the start of a backlash against the puritans? Zoo and Nuts magazines are to boycott one of Britain’s biggest retailers, the Cooperative Group, over the […]

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Not in My Fridge

August 7, 2013 Longrider 7

Hummus. Apparently, according to the Guardian, natch, we are in love with hummus. It is the beige dip that launched a thousand picnics, and Britons […]