Well Done!

Is this the start of a backlash against the puritans?

Zoo and Nuts magazines are to boycott one of Britain’s biggest retailers, the Cooperative Group, over the supermarket’s demand for lads’ magazines to mask explicit pictures on their front covers.

The weekly titles announced on Thursday that they have refused the Co-op’s ultimatum to put the magazines in modesty bags to shield pictures of naked women from shoppers. Paul Williams, managing director of the Nuts publisher IPC Inspire, said the magazine would now be pulled from the Co-op’s 4,000 stores in the UK. He added: “Co-op’s knee-jerk attempt to restrict access to a product that consumers have enjoyed for nearly a decade is wrong.”

Well, you don’t see that very often these days, when we are more used to lily-livered cowards apologising for causing “offence” in order to appease the professionally offended, the guradianiata, the race mongers and the feminazis determined to stamp out everything of which they disapprove, who represent  no one but themselves and the whey-faced world in which they inhabit. Someone finally showed they have some balls and has said “no”. We need to say “no” more often and more emphatically. So, well done Paul Williams. Where you have led, let us hope others will follow and the prissy, po-faced, puritanical, pompous, pecksniffs can go hang.


  1. Too right. I am making a point of buying his mag this weekend just for support. It might even be a a bit good, I dunno.

    But isn’t this what all of the lads mags should have been doing? Or have they become effete tarts in the past few years? Do the ones who succumbed to pressure carry crochet patterns or something? 😉

    • The worlds gone mad…. As a woman I find Nuts and Zoo the least offensive of many of todays magazines.
      Personally I would rather look at their almost always tasteful front covers rather than the likes of Take a Break and things such as “my wifes mothers, aunties, uncle is a tansexual and living with his sisters cousins aunt”
      Or “How I gave birth to a dog faced baby” these so called women’s mags are truly vile and sensationalist and far more offensive than Zoo, and in my opinion those are the mags that need to cover up.
      They encourage women to buy into the sensationalist feminism media frenzy whilst telling women they are all too fat or too ugly to ever be valued so they should all rebel and treat men like dirt.
      Women need to stop blaming MEN for all that ails them and realise they are being brainwashed by the mass female media. Feminism and feminists are taking women down a very dangerous route.
      A pair of tits on the front cover of a lad’s mags are the least of our worries!The CO-OP need to get a grip and “Grow a pair” (as our friends at the guardian would NOT say) rather than kowtowing to pressure, their share of the shopping market is not so vast that they can afford to turn away perfectly good business after all men will just buy these mags elsewhere.
      Grow up co-op.

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