
I’ve always been cheeky. Indeed, there have been occasions when it’s got me into trouble. certainly as a child I was pulled up for it frequently enough (painfully on occasion). As an adult, I’m inclined to speak my mind and worry about the consequences later. Usually, I pull it off because I have a dry delivery and a wry smile and people get the humour. And, I agree, sometimes it does prick pomposity, which is sometimes why I’m doing it.

It’s not something I thought about greatly, but recently a friend of mine commented that following a visit, I was incredibly cheeky to her. My response being that as she was lapping it up, why not?

Yeah, yeah, she had me bang to rights.


  1. Ohhh cheeky eh, see I am usually very direct but sometimes (apparently ) it comes across as accusatory or brusque, it is never intended that way but stupidity annoys me, and it tends to be when people are being stupid.
    My humour is fairly wry and tongue in cheek, apparently these two styles don’t go well when being direct. 😉
    But to be honest my attitude is “if you don’t like it, don’t talk to me”

    • Oh, yes, I can be very cheeky. Sometimes it can be disarming and opens doors where the brusque approach doesn’t. I’m also an incorrigible flirt.

      • Nothing wrong with being a flirt incorrigible or otherwise I have been known to be a tad flirtatious too.
        Never a bad thing really.
        My ex husband was a dangerous flirt = he did not know when to stop and it usually got him in situations he couldn’t handle and from there into infidelity.
        For me it’s just light hearted banter and I never cross that line.

        • Mine’s never got me into that kind of trouble. However, recently I was training at a venue and flirting with the receptionist – she was just as bad, mind. Anyway, shortly after, she came into the training room to check everything was all set up to my liking. I thought nothing of it until a delegate mentioned that she didn’t normally do this…


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