October Goes

Soon we will have the winter snows.
Before long, Jack Frost nipping at our toes.
Such a short time ago, we wore summer clothes.
GMT arrives as October goes.

Autumn’s sigh passes to winter’s moan.
Red and yellow make way for grey monochrome.
It’s dark by four in the afternoon.
How did the year go by so soon?

The promise of spring’s but a distant dream.
All we have before us is winter mean.
Howling winds and sleeting rain,
The dark end of the year, here again.

So, I dread the winter snows
And the biting ache of frozen toes.
I long for when the weather suited my clothes,
And I’m melancholy when October goes.


  1. I love winter, this year for the first time in decades I have an open fire and I look forward to using that with alacrity.
    Big woolly jumpers and not having to worry about hot flushes. WOOHOO.
    Hot chocolate and stew and dumplings yum yum 🙂
    Lovely poem .

  2. I’m sure it was subconcious but you knicked a line from Fred Neil’s Everybody’s Talkin…

    “Going where the weather suits my clothes”

    • No, the reference was deliberate – it was a nod to Everybody’s Talking, given that the song reflects very much how I feel. The line is similar, not identical.

  3. Sympathy , sympathy
    but here in Australia it is spring and now and then the sun shines. It hs been a dour winter.
    But after this summer hopefully comes with a bit of global warming.
    It is very odd that while we freeze and get wet from rain in Victoria – uncontrolled bush fires burn further north in NSW.

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