A Decade

Ten years, eh? I had no idea when I started this place that I’d still be doing it a decade on. I’ve seen some good blogs come and go in that time – Devil’s Kitchen, Obnoxio, Constantly Furious, Trooper Thompson, Angry Exile to name a few. In ten years the landscape has changed but it hasn’t changed. The same things are annoying me – the state stealing large chunks of my money to piss up the wall on fake charities, quangos and single-interest pressure groups and ever encroaching restrictions on our civil liberties.

Ten years ago it was the evil Blunkett and his ID cards. Today, we have May and her attempts to restrict freedom of speech using terror as an excuse. The socialist mindset that has engulfed government to the extent that even the Conservatives are merely Labour Lite and indulge in the same abhorrent attempts to socially engineer us with food scares and lecturing us on everything to how much exercise we take to what we put in our mouths – none of which is anyone else’s business but our own. And don’t even get me started on the Big Society or the Nudge Agenda or I’ll  burst a blood vessel. The state, that evil behemoth that is the enemy of liberty is a voracious monster that must be constantly fought to a standstill, for every inch we allow, it will try to grab another parsec.

So, ten years on, different bums on the green benches but the same monstrosity is with us. The dragon still needs slaying.

Depressing, isn’t it?


  1. Congrats on your ten years.

    The world is still shit, but at least we have places like this to vent it.

  2. Congrats on your first decade. Herte’s to the next one; and the one after that; and the subsequent one…

  3. Yup. Yet there’s a slim hope. Hope’s just left town though.

    We are ten today, well done. Guido gets on Daily Politics. You get me. Thanks.

  4. Congratulations.

    But what the world wants to know is: have you done the cats and circles experiment yet to see if your furry overlords will always walk in to a circle and sit in it?

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