So Go, Then…

Oh, but you want your cake

Radical cleric Anjem Choudray has claimed he would renounce his British citizenship and live under the rule of Isis, if the government would grant him safe passage.

Just put him on a plane and drop him off over Iraq. No passport necessary.

I believe the world belongs to God and that one day, hopefully, the UK will be part of an Islamic State.

Fuck off, you vile creature. The UK will become a part of an Islamic state over my dead body. Your god has no dominion over me, mine or the place I live. I agree with Keith Vaz (make the most of it) let the cunt go and go right soon. No one would be sorry to see the back of this evil monster.


  1. “…Just put him on a plane and drop him off over Iraq. No passport necessary…”

    Agreed, but with the addition that no parachute is necessary, either.

  2. No, that means we have to pay for the fuel. Just take him to Dover, point him south east, stick a bayonet up his backside, and invite him to start walking. Much cheaper.

  3. The correct response is – the train / plane are over there – we’re not stopping you.
    Now fuck off …. (preferably with a camel & a dog)

  4. I suspect that Mr Choudary’s gilded view of what life is like in an Islamic state is very different to the reality.

    Generally they don’t give a shit about your human rights for a start, and dissenters are frequently just murdered.

    But if he really wants to go we should just make it easy for him. Shove him out of a plane over Mosil I say.

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