Violence and Intimidation

While it is unfortunate that it cost a life, Darren Wilson  acted lawfully. The grand jury came to that conclusion having examined the evidence. Never mind that, though, he has had to resign because of the threats of violence.

The St Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper said the 28-year-old Mr Wilson had decided to step down after his police department received threats that violence would follow if he stayed on as an employee.

So much for the rule of law and courts that make decisions based upon the evidence. What we are seeing here  is mob rule and rampant racism. These people are scum.


  1. They don’t want justice they want to lynch him. My partner has been following the story and he “Black community” said before the jury decision that WHATEVER the outcome they would riot and riot they did. It’s the usual story “if we riot we can get free stuff”, The police officer is going to have to have an entire new identity, places are in ruins and lives destroyed. typical behavior and mob mentality, “is it coz I is black” NO it’s coz you is acting like animals.

  2. “I’s is pissed off wiv de Government, so I’s go out an’ nick a 60” flat screen to teach de bastar’s a lesson, like, innit!

    • Hey, I like it, FT! That’s what I should have done, instead of paying all that money. We’re unfortunately a little sparse in the rent-a-mob department here.

      Maybe I should import some from Athens…..

  3. Standard behaviour from certain sections of society, and whilst those in charge keep bending over they’ll carry on.

  4. Evidently some sections of the community seem to think they are entitled to steal and rob, and live off the state and whoa betide anyone who gets in the way.
    Its wooden leg syndrome.
    “I cant get a job because I’ve got a wooden leg.”
    “I can’t get a decent education because I’ve got a wooden leg.”
    “I am viewed as a second class citizen because I’ve got a wooden leg.”
    “There’s no point in trying because I’ve got a wooden leg.”
    And when it comes to that section of the community so called progressives have been handing out free wooden legs for years.

  5. Since joint DNA discoverer James Watson mentioned the fact that – as proven by mainstream psychologists since the 1950s – blacks score much lower in IQ tests than whites (on average), he’s been unable to find work.

    And recent riots bear testimony to this scientific fact. In Watson’s case it was the white left which did for his career. The same white left which wouldn’t last five minutes in a black hellhole like Brixton or Ferguson.

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