Wilfully and deliberately Missing the Point.

I don’t care who released Shrillary  Clinton’s emails, be it a cyber hack from the Kremlin or a disgruntled Democrat staffer, all I want to know is if their contents are accurate… Fact or Fiction. They very much appear to be fact, and show her to be the venal, lying, duplicitous piece of excrement that most of us knew her to be all along.

We are all moving into fantasy land now and the goalposts have moved completely off the page we were reading, namely that Clinton is a person completely unfit to be President of the United States, to one of dem evil Russkies are trying to subvert our Democracy! (as if it needs any more subverting).

Just as I couldn’t give a fuck who released the Climate-gate emails (they still haven’t found out) all I care about is if they were accurate and what they reveal. They were accurate and they reveal that our climate scientists are as venal and corrupt as the rest of us, looking out for their own self interest and the next grant check and promise of tenure. Just as Shrillary’s emails prove against her. The emails are the truth… suck it up Guardianistas!


  1. “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

    If an email records a criminal act, but no-one other than the recipient reads it, has a crime been committed?

  2. I a word JimS… yes. A crime has been committed. You stated it yourself. “If an email records a criminal act…” Crime recorded, just not revealed until the email is. It is still a crime though.

    • The tree still falls, the crime still gets committed.
      Not hearing the tree fall or not reading about the crime changes not the facts.

  3. This is simply an act of distraction, albeit a dangerous one.

    The “free” West’s media and politicians are all pointing to Russia and shouting “squirrel” in the hope that we fall for it and demand what they want, which is to invalidate a national referendum and the USA election.

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