This Blog

As we lurch into November, I realise that an anniversary has passed. I started this blog on the 23rd of October 2004. So it’s been thirteen years. While I occasionally go quiet – usually because I wonder if shouting at the walls is having any damned effect – I invariably come back with something to say. I wonder how long it will all last. Presumably as long as the bastards in government , fake charities and other third sector parasites continue to attack our freedoms, I suppose.


  1. Well Happy Anniversary to you. Thanks for all the refreshing breaths of fresh air since I discovered your blog.

    “Lang may yer lam reek”, as the woad-adorned picts north of Hadrian’s Wall are wont to mutter.

  2. A belated Happy Anniversary. Not having much to say myself, it’s always fun to see what’s winding up everyone else!
    Ted Treen – it’s lum, not lam. Lam is a young Welsh girlfriend.

  3. Dear Mr Longrider

    “Presumably as long as the bastards in government , fake charities and other third sector parasites continue to attack our freedoms, I suppose.”

    So that will be a long, loong time, then.

    Thank you and please keep up the good work.


  4. I’ve been following this blog for quite a few years and have to say that it is one of my favourites. I am self aware enough to realise that part of the reason for that is that I agree with you on most things and it’s just easier to read stuff that you agree with. Nevertheless, you have been very consistent over the years. I often click the links to old posts and always find them interesting.

    • Happy anniversary LR, and my apologies for not being more pro active on here. I have too much personal stuff to deal with at the moment to be bothered with the vagaries of our political classes and their ilk. More important… how goes it with Mrs LR?

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