Sarah Vine Nails it


George Orwell was almost right. It is not Big Brother who threatens our freedoms in the 21st century, but his nastier internet-age sibling, Little Brother: hundreds, thousands, millions of shrill individuals, one toxic groupthink, whipping each other into a self-righteous frenzy of hate before descending like locusts, stripping their victims to the bone and leaving destruction in their wake.

It is that collective hysteria, so common in closed, backward communities, that has begun to infect our society. Already it stifles free speech and debate in schools and universities, in print and in the arts, on the BBC and beyond, forcing us all to conform to a narrow bandwidth of accepted thought.

Now it seeks to do the same to an even more fundamental aspect of our human experience: the relationship between the sexes.

I really can’t add anything to that. What we are witnessing is the millennial McCarthyism and the witches are white men.


  1. Hi Bex BAiley, GOOD NEWS! REJOICE! There IS indeed a truly independent body to which one can, and should, report rape, sexual assault and other serious crimes too! You don’t need to wait for Jesus…oops I meant Jeeza to set one up; it’s called the ‘Police’. Don’t be fooled by the nail varnish and rainbow cars, they will not seek to protect the Labour Party and any Allegator- however deranged- is guaranteed anonymity for life.

    But wait…there’s more…IF you report it to the P-O-L-I-C-E they are duty bound to investigate and the Labour Party will be duty bound to immediately suspend the accused, no one will be able to ‘protect’ him .

    No, no, don’t thank me. I’m happy to be bearer of such glad tidings. OH BTW the whole ‘Police’ thing has been around for a couple of centuries, that’s even longer than JC, so you’ll probably get a drinkable cuppa at the interview.

    • Their response in Rotherham, Rochdale, Birmingham and Oxford – to name but a few – does make me think that any approach to this august body is little more than an exercise in futility.

  2. Glad to see you called this McCarthyism, although you almost fell into the trap by stating that “all the witches are white men”. Aren’t you aware that “witch hunt” is a vile, demeaning, and misogynistic slur. I know this because the BBC said so, so it must be true!

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