1. Well they’re quick on the uptake aren’t they? Of course bums on seats pay for movies. Hollywood only exists because people wanted to watch it’s output. The fact that it’s been a moral cesspool since the early days is by the by.

    I’ve got a couple of Kevin Spacey movies in my DVD collection. I’ll still watch them because a good performance is always worth watching.

  2. I still have a copy of “Two Little Boys” by Rolf on the shelf. I amso havn’t thrown out my copy of American Beauty. I am able to seperate the art from the people concerned. If anyone is seriously struggling to od that then the problem is thiers, not Rolf Harris’ or Kevin Spacey’s.

  3. I couldn’t give a fuck if someone in a movie I want to watch is a predatory bum bandit with a predilection for young boys. That’s his affair, and has no bearing on his ability to entertain. And its not as if that type of person is a rarity – there are lots of them, in all walks of life. It’s an unfortunate fact of life, but it has been with us since time immemorial, and indeed has been considered quite normal and acceptable in past societies.

    I get increasingly tired of the faux moral outrage which seems to be considered a virtue these days. Maybe I’ve just seen and done too much for it to exercise me, but I don’t even see it as being particularly notable. So what? Another guy who likes young boys. Big deal. Not my bag, but who am I to judge?

  4. If they think I’m going to not watch Star Trek they can go feck themselves…..Actually it should be interesting how this one plays out as George is one of Americas most right-on luvvies. Who’s gonna lay a bet that this case is “different” according to other luvvies.

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