Well There’s a Surprise

Organ donation in Wales has not increased since the government nationalised people’s’ bodies.

Wales’ opt-out system for organ donation has not increased the number of donors in the two years since it was introduced, a study has confirmed.

Adults in Wales are presumed to have consented to organ donation unless they have opted out.

The data was published in a Welsh Government report about the impact of the Human Transplantation (Wales) Act.

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said it was “too early to know the true impact”.

What part of “no increase” did you not get, then?

Mr Gething acknowledged the figures and added: “The report suggests this may be because there have been fewer eligible donors over the short period since the change in law.

“It’s important to remember that it’s too early to know what the true impact of the change will be, but I’m confident we have started to create a culture where organ donation is openly discussed.”

Oh, I dunno… Perhaps they should have taken notice of the Spanish precedent.

So-called “presumed consent” legislation was passed in 1979 but donor rates only began to go up 10 years later when a new national transplant organisation was founded which co-ordinates the whole donation and transplantation process.

Suggesting that it was more to do with coordination than the assumption of consent. The organs can only be harvested in certain specific circumstances, regardless of the system in place – so assuming that consent is given unless stated otherwise will not automatically produce more organs for transplant if the deceased happen to die inconveniently away from a hospital where they can be harvested.

As for discussing it, I have and my attitude has hardened with every nag, with every piece of guilt tripping and now with the potential for presumed consent creeping into England, I have had that very discussion. You ain’t getting anything; which is a complete reversal of my erstwhile position. These people have only themselves to blame for this.

Quite apart from the practical matters, presumed consent is no consent and is immoral in all circumstances.


  1. “You ain’t getting anything; which is a complete reversal of my erstwhile position. ”

    My position used to be ‘use every bit of me you can’ and what no one needs, for God’s sake use for research. I too have reversed my thinking on this but not due to presumed consent…I don’t have a problem with that morally . No what I have a beef with is the way smokers are castigated and persecuted at every turn by doctors. The self same doctors who are happy to accept our supposedly tar filled lungs (last figures I think I saw were smokers lungs accounted for 30%-40% of all lung transplants in the UK?) When doctors go around ridiculing the Black Lung myth, that’s the day I will get another donor card.

    • @LR

      “You ain’t getting anything; which is a complete reversal of my erstwhile position. ”

      +1 & +1 Blocked Dwarf

      When freedom of speech, thought, actions & inactions (SORN) were acceptble & legal, I carried a Donor Card – biker donor.

      As freedom became “inappropriate” and compulsion {eg DFID) to “donate” increased, I changed. Amongst others, Donor Card binned.

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